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The 33rd Easter Market at the Dominican Monastery was a great success

20.03.2017 | 14:31 Clock | Citywhispers
The 33rd Easter Market at the Dominican Monastery was a great success

On rainy, inclement days like last weekend, the Easter anticipation of spring has a particularly soothing effect.

This is what happened to the more than 2,500 visitors to the 33rd Frankfurt Easter Market, to which the German Multiple Sclerosis Society (DMSG) had invited to the Dominican Monastery. The Easter Market is organized on a voluntary basis and benefits a good cause. The net proceeds are donated to the Deutsche Multiples Sklerose Gesellschaft Hessen e.V.

The event has developed a very special charm over the years. The Easter market is contemplative, lovably personal and you can feel everywhere that the people here do not offer their lovingly designed goods for purely commercial reasons, but simply love what they do and make.

Older ladies like to explain their excellent crafts, take time for visitors and want to infect them with their own enthusiasm. Children watch excitedly the lace-making, admire with open mouth the arts of the confectioner world champion Bernd Siefert and can hardly wait to try his delicacies at home.

At the stand of the glass blowing workshop of Peter Böhm-Casper one takes part live in the creation of small glass devils or Easter figures and the exhibition in the great hall offers everything from silhouettes to very beautiful, handmade Russian Easter eggs. Numerous guests relaxed with hearty food or coffee and cake in the dining room of the house. The colorful variety of the offer but especially the very personal and friendly atmosphere really enriched this weekend.

It is worthwhile to firmly plan a visit for next year again!

You can find even more info at: <link http: _blank>

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