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The campaign "I'm in: plastic-free" continues

29.06.2018 | 07:46 Clock | Citywhispers
The campaign 'I'm in: plastic-free' continues

Just under a year ago, a special campaign for sustainability started on Berger Straße: at a total of ten stations in front of participating shops, passers-by were able to take a cloth bag during the project period from June to September 2017, do their shopping and then put the bag back into one of the baskets or bring a used one from home. Sort of like how the popular bookcases are run. <link https: ffm-aktuell s ugc kampagne-ich-bin-dabei-plastikfrei-ist-gestartet.html _blank>We had told you about "I'm in: plastic free" HERE.

Initiator of the project was the trade association Bornheim Mitte, the "Lust auf besser leben gGmbH" (LABL) developed the project and coordinated the implementation together with the trade associations of the lower and middle Berger Street, the market operations and the HFM, Managementgesellschaft für Hafen und Markt.

The initiators confirm to the campaign, even after the end of the project phase, that the action has strengthened the community of tradespeople at the location. Through the coming together at events, the dialogue within the shops on the common theme and the sharing of bags through the stations, consumers and traders have become closer. The analysis of the customer survey showed that if customers had a choice between two stores with the same location and the same offer, they would be more likely to choose a store participating in the promotion. However, purchase decisions are only moderately influenced by this.

Despite this: the whole thing worked and should therefore continue. Since the customers obviously liked the idea and the project made a difference, the Bornheim Mitte trade association has decided to sponsor another 1000 locally made organic cotton bags. This will allow the campaign to continue beyond the project period.

"We have given out only half as many bags this year compared to 2016, something is moving. Therefore, it was immediately clear that we join the campaign", says Andr&eacute; Remmel, chairman of the Frankfurt market traders. Marlene Haas, managing director of LABL, is also very pleased: "The businesses learn so to exchange about these issues, a different communication arises when you dare to start together as a street with such an innovative project."

Councillor for Economic Affairs Markus Frank praises the idea and the commitment of all those involved: "The project, jointly managed by shopkeepers, customers, citizens, associations and traders, was one of the pioneering actions that contribute to the revitalisation of a shopping street. It's great to see Berger Street going down such innovative paths and Lower and Upper Berger Street joining forces for exemplary measures to further raise the profile of their location."

In 2015, the city council resolved &sbquo;Frankfurt wears less plastic'. The Frankfurt Economic Development Department organised an event on this, the conclusion of which was that a common umbrella brand was needed to implement suitable measures and to address employees and customers alike. The Economic Development Department financially supported the impetus for the pilot project, as the bag stations on Berger Straße are a contribution to the goal of &sbquo;Frankfurt carries less plastic' and the community on site strengthens the 'we-feeling' at the location. This is also evidenced by the fact that the campaign will continue on its own even after the end of the project phase. Very nice!

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