More and more people are getting on their bikes. It's good for your health and good for the climate. Even if not all cyclists obey the traffic rules and thus do not necessarily contribute to road safety, the trend towards cycling is definitely positive. And the trend is also having a positive effect on the "Stadtradeln" campaign: Never before have so many people taken part in the "Stadtradeln" campaign as in 2019. Nationwide, more than 1,000 municipalities have already signed up, and of course Frankfurt is once again taking part. From Monday, 3 June, cycling kilometres for more climate protection will be collected in the city for all it's worth. Anyone who wants to take part can register at
The idea behind the campaign is simple: the more often the bicycle is used instead of the car, the more carbon dioxide is avoided. But it is not just a contribution to climate protection: many who take part in the campaign will discover that cycling is really fun, does good and it is not that difficult to use the bike for everyday journeys.
The "Stadtradeln" is the largest international cycling campaign, initiated by the Climate Alliance. In Frankfurt, the environmental office is organizing the campaign. From 3 to 23 June, the cycled kilometres will be counted and the associated CO2 avoidance calculated. Anyone who lives, works, belongs to a club or goes to (high) school in Frankfurt can take part.
Last year, 97 teams took part in Frankfurt, collecting 355,805 kilometres, which equates to 51 tonnes of CO2 avoided compared to driving a car. The mark could fall: So far, more than 130 teams have registered in the city.
Climate protection is teamwork, so cyclists join together in teams. Those who don't know anyone to do so can join an existing team, such as a district. Whoever registers a team is automatically team captain. She or he ensures a good atmosphere and fighting spirit in the group. For this commitment, the captains receive special recognition from the city. For the strongest teams and the person with the most collected bike kilometres there are great tickets to be won. The most cycling active school class will be invited to a special team event. More is not revealed yet.
Another reason to join in: The Stadtradeln app. Simply download it and your cycling route will be automatically recorded via GPS and registered on the internet. The app also collects data for cycling planning. This data is then available to all participating municipalities in Hesse. The information can support the planning and expansion of cycling infrastructure on site.
"It's about health, more livable cities, having fun as a team and climate protection," says Head of Environment Rosemarie Heilig. "Together we can achieve a new record in CO2 avoidance. So: get on your bike and cycle along. Every kilometer counts!" Logically, Councillor Heilig is also cycling along herself.
For more information on the campaign, visit