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The finalists for "The Frankfurt Originals 2018" have been determined

13.11.2018 | 22:07 Clock | Citywhispers
The finalists for 'The Frankfurt Originals 2018' have been determined

From now on you can vote for your winner

For a few weeks now, Binding has been looking again: "The Frankfurt Originals", together with the brand ambassadors "Mundstuhl". In a first voting phase you could suggest your favorites in three categories. From all the entries, five finalists were chosen in each category, from which the actual winners can now be determined in the second voting phase. And the choice is really hard, because all finalists would have deserved to be awarded as "Frankfurt Original".

From November 12 to December 9, 2018, everyone is called upon to vote at <link https: _blank>

for their favorites in the categories "The Best Binding Gastronomy", "The Most Popular District Association" and "The Frankfurt Personality". So now it's time to vote for all you're worth!

Everyone who takes part in the "Die Frankfurter Originale 2018" campaign automatically has the chance to win a great prize. 25 x 2 tickets for Mundstuhl and 1 x 1,000 euros in cash will be raffled.

Claudia Geisler, press spokeswoman for Binding Brewery, is thrilled with the campaign so far: "Even the nomination phase overwhelmed us in view of the numerous suggestions. This shows that we have reached a great many Frankfurt and Binding fans with the Frankfurt Originals, even in the third year. Now we are looking forward to a high level of participation in the voting phase and are excited about the three 2018 winners."

And these are the finalists in the individual categories

The list of candidates is promising and leaves voters spoilt for choice. Thus, in the category "The best Binding gastronomy" the quaint corner pub "Zum Alten Schlagbaum", the scene eatery "Binding Leib und Seele", the pilgrimage site for Eintracht fans, the "Fantreff Waldstadion", the charming cabaret address "Alte Liebe" and the seasonal club ship "Yachtklub" hope to win.

In the category "The most popular district club" the "Kunstverein Familie Montez e.V." as mediator of contemporary art, the "Nieder Carneval Club 1969 e.V." supporting the carnival goings-on, the soon to be 100-year-old "Sportclub Waldstadcht e.V.", and the "Nieder Carneval Club 1969 e.V." as a supporter of the carnival goings-on, are competing for the title.", the soon to be 100-year-old "Sportgemeinschaft Riederwald 1919 e.V.", the allotment garden association "KGV Eschersheim 1898 e.V." as a bridge builder between city dwellers and nature and the volunteer-run "Kobelt Zoo Schwanheim e.V." at the gates of the city are up for election.

In the third category "The Frankfurt Personality" Bernd Breiter, who brought the BigCityBeats to Frankfurt, the Hessian TV icon Sonya Kraus, water house pilot Hubert Gloss, Eintracht legend and Frankfurt "football god" Alex Meier and the Frankfurt Capuchin monk Brother Paulus will enter the race. There are meaningful short portraits of all the candidates and more detailed information at <link https: _blank>

At the end there will be a celebration

"In December we will award the Frankfurt Originals with the 'Binding Eagle Trophy' and present them with 'The Frankfurt Original Embassy Shield'. In addition, we organise a small victory celebration for each of our three winners and, of course, present them in the media, on our website and on the Binding Facebook page," explains Claudia Geisler.

More info can also be found at: <link http: _blank>

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