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Why eyesight often deteriorates after 40 - and where you can get an eye test in Frankfurt

23.01.2025 | 14:53 Clock | Advertorial
Why eyesight often deteriorates after 40 - and where you can get an eye test in Frankfurt

From their mid-40s, many people notice that reading small print becomes more strenuous or that they have to stretch their arms further and further out when reading text. What is behind this phenomenon? The good news first: it is usually a natural process, known as presbyopia. However, modern habits, such as the intensive use of smartphones, can also put additional strain on eyesight.

Why does eyesight deteriorate?

Presbyopia occurs because the lens in the eye loses its elasticity over time. This makes it more difficult to focus between different distances - a process known as accommodation. Near vision is particularly affected, which is why many people over 40 need reading glasses or progressive lenses.

Another factor is the increased use of smartphones, tablets and computers. Constantly focusing on screens at short distances can overstrain the eye muscles and lead to symptoms such as blurred vision, dry eyes or headaches. In addition, digital use often results in less blinking, which puts additional strain on the eyes.

What can you do?

Taking regular breaks from screen work - such as the "20-20-20 rule" (look at a point 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes) - and avoiding excessive smartphone use can help to relieve eye strain. However, it is still important to have your eyesight checked regularly, especially when the first signs such as blurred vision or eye fatigue appear

Where can you have your eyes tested?

Many people don't know that an initial eye test can be carried out quickly and easily at an optician. opticians often offer free or inexpensive eye tests that provide information about visual acuity within a few minutes. If the optician discovers any abnormalities, a further examination can be carried out by an ophthalmologist.

This is particularly helpful if waiting times for appointments with an ophthalmologist are long. Opticians are also often available without an appointment, which makes a quick check-up possible.

Opticians in Frankfurt - many options to choose from

In Frankfurt, there are numerous places to have an eye test carried out. Especially in the city center or in large shopping centers such as MyZeil or Skyline Plaza, there are many well-known optician chains and smaller specialist stores. These not only offer eye tests, but also advice on suitable visual aids.


If your eyesight is deteriorating, an initial eye test at an optician is an uncomplicated solution to determine the cause. It is particularly worth having your eyes checked regularly from the age of 40 - whether by an optician or an ophthalmologist. And if you take care of your eyes with more conscious screen habits, you can maintain your vision for longer and prevent complaints.

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