The Ultimate Event Guide for the FrankfurtRhineMain Metropolitan Region
July 2024
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Schauspiel Frankfurt with a diverse program in 2024

In the current season, Schauspiel Frankfurt is once again offering a diverse program: "Orlando - A Biography", based on Virginia Woolf, is a play that questions the seemingly fixed boundaries of gender, power and status. In "The Rape of the Sabines", a busy theater director refuses to accept the fact that the audience is staying away and tries to take hilarious countermeasures. "The Strangling Angel" takes a humorous look at a privileged class that is trapped in a space in between, completely unable to act. The play presents the most famous vampire in cultural history, "Dracula", in a spectacular performance. R. W. Fassbinder's post-war drama "The Marriage of Maria Braun" deals with the life story of a woman in times of upheaval. Director Sapir Heller uses Heinrich Böll's "The Lost Honor of Katharina Blum" to show the proximity of omnipresent sensational journalism to today's populism. A female voice also speaks in Elfriede Jelinek's "Sonne/Luft": Die Sonne lacht über den Menschen, der sich schuldig gemacht hat. The question of guilt and responsibility is also present in Dostoyevsky's "The Brothers Karamazov", in Schiller's "Don Carlos" and in Nino Haratischwili's "Phädra, in Flames".

The Schauspiel Frankfurt is the largest spoken theater in the Rhine-Main region and enjoys a great deal of attention throughout Germany as a nationally renowned stage. In the four venues - Schauspielhaus, Kammerspiele, Box and Bockenheimer Depot - renowned directors present both classics and contemporary drama. In addition to the impressive productions, Schauspiel Frankfurt creates spaces for encounters, discussions and exhibitions in the BOX, the Panorama Bar and the Chagallsaal. Here, artists can present themselves, audiences can ask questions and the city's citizens can get into conversation with each other.

Programme and further information:
advance ticket sales at Willy-Brandt-Platz, by phone at +49 69 21249494 or online.

Address: Neue Mainzer Straße 17, 60311 Frankfurt am Main




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Program highlights 2024

The Miser

Directed by: Mateja Koležnik

Molière's comedy premiered at the Théâtre du Palais in 1668. 355 years later, Slovenian director Mateja Koležnik is staging the still highly topical material in the banking city of Frankfurt. It is about nothing less than avarice.
"The Miser", as we know the 5-act comedy by Molière, is largely based on the so-called comedy of the pot of gold by the Roman poet Plautus. While Molière writes a ludicrously intricate comedy on the subject of avarice, Koležnik will seek and find human transgression in it.

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Mascha K. (Tourist Status)

Director: Christina Tscharyiski

"I don't think we'll ever find peace here," wrote the poet Mascha Kaléko in her diary in 1941. The Jewish poet experienced a few brilliant years in Berlin, during which she rose to become an icon of "New Objectivity". The life and work of Mascha Kaléko are the starting point for a new play by Anja Hilling. The play tells the story of a life in which the only lingering is in movement, of attempts to start families, in art, in convention, in love. In Christina Tscharyiski's production, the poetic language of the play is combined with a driving musicality to create a journey through space and time.

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The Tove Project

by Tove Ditlevsen / dir: Ewelina Marciniak

With painful openness, the writer Tove Ditlevsen depicts the struggle for her identity as an artist, woman and mother in her writing. In her autofictional texts, she has spent her life in the field of tension of addictions to men and drugs, making the abyss of psychosis, which for her also contained a promise of freedom, tangible.

February 21/29, 20. March

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Program Highlights 2023/2024


After Virginia Woolf / Director: Anselm Weber, Katrin Spira

Young, beautiful, beloved and lonely - that's Orlando. Full of humor and imagination and with no regard for the seemingly immovable, the character wanders through some 400 years in search of the greatest possible freedom in life.

February 17/25, March 03/15

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The Strangling Angel

by PeterLicht and SE Struck after Luis Buñuel / Director: Claudia Bauer

A party of good company, where no one can go home at the end, turns into a fight for survival. Under the spell of an inexplicable force, the rich and beautiful turn out to be completely incapable of acting. Sparing and witty adaptation of Luis Buñuel's classic film.

February 01/02/11/14/15, February 02/24. March

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For more than five decades, the Döbritz auction house has been auctioning paintings, prints, photographs, icons, sculptures, tapestries, carpets, clocks, furniture, silver, porcelain and jewelry. Highlight items can be viewed in a catalog approximately two weeks before the respective auctions, which can be picked up directly at the auction house or ordered home.

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The entire program of Schauspiel Frankfurt

Discover the extensive program of the renowned Schauspiel Frankfurt, the largest spoken theater in the Rhine-Main region. As a highly respected stage with nationwide significance, it enjoys a great deal of attention throughout Germany. Learn more at: