For the twentieth time, the banks of the Main at the Weseler Werft will be a very special cultural venue for 17 days from 23 July: the 20th Sommerwerft brings theatre, performance, music, workshops and much more to Frankfurt's east. The fact that this is possible again in this difficult summer is made possible by a sophisticated hygiene concept, which should make even more possible than last year. In this respect, the Sommerwerft 2020 was already one of the first events to which up to 800 people were again allowed to gather at the same time. The hygiene concept has proven itself and has been revised once again for this summer.
A special birthday with great program variety
So in 2021 up to 2000 people will be allowed to enter the grounds at the same time- They will then be able to experience together the most extensive programme in the festival's history so far: Almost 100 individual events spread over 17 days will bring the Mainufer to life - as always, of course, open to all. For the organizers of protagon e.V., this year's program, which is entitled "SICHTBAR MACHEN" ("MAKE VISIBLE"), is understood on two levels: "On the one hand, it is about directing the gaze from far away back here, to our local living space, and to strengthen the vitality and diversity of the local cultural landscape," explains Bernhard Bub, artistic director of the festival. For this reason, artists from Frankfurt and Hesse will be the main focus of the anniversary year. "Making visible", however, also means sharpening the eye for precisely those burning political and social issues that currently need more attention and can also spark discourse in the performing arts, says Bub.
Guests coming to the Weseler Werft can expect impressive theatre productions, contemporary dance, circus performances, musical revues, bands and singer-songwriters, poetry slams, open-air cinema, workshops, symposia, walk-acts and much more. As the SOMMERWERFT really wants to appeal to everyone, children's theatre will also be present for the first time this year with its own stage, organised by the Theaterhaus Ensemble. You can find the exact program at
The Hygiene Concept
For such an event to be held safely, it needs a suitable hygiene concept. The organizers have worked on this for a long time in close cooperation with the health department and AES Konzept and have repeatedly made adjustments to the current situation and regulations. The result is a package of measures designed to ensure a safe and carefree festival experience for visitors and staff alike. Only those who have been fully vaccinated, have tested negative or have recovered will be allowed to enter the fenced-in area this year. For this purpose, a special test station will be set up in front of the entrance for free quick tests. More space and more events with fewer guests and plenty of seating will ensure that the distances are observed at all times - this will also be ensured by a "care team" that will be present on the grounds at all times. A mask obligation on the site, however, there will be no more.
More info on the program can also be found HERE in our calendar of events.