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Association for the revival of the Wiesenhüttenplatz founded

20.07.2018 | 10:26 Clock | Citywhispers
Association for the revival of the Wiesenhüttenplatz founded

City squares where you can meet friends and neighbours, where you can take a break from the hustle and bustle of the big city, or which feature gastronomy and events, do exist in Frankfurt, but are nevertheless a rarity. On the other hand, there are several places that have the potential to become such small meeting oases in the big city. But often this potential is simply not used. This can have cost reasons or simply be due to the fact that no one can be found to take care of such places. Because as the example of Wiesenhüttenplatz in the Bahnhofsviertel shows, the efforts of FES, Grünflächenamt and city police are not enough to turn a square into a place where all Frankfurt residents feel comfortable and enjoy spending time.

The revival of a gem

The Wiesenhüttenplatz was redesigned in 2006 for the World Cup. Since then, however, nothing has happened there. Residents, hotels and resident tradesmen have watched with dismay for years how a square that is really beautiful in itself has completely deteriorated. The biggest problem in recent years has been the extreme littering of the site. It's not enough for the FES to go on special missions to clean up the unsightly mess. They also need to talk to the people who often not only leave their trash here, but also defecate. "It's a difficult clientele," explains Councillor Markus Frank. It would not be enough for the city police to go here once and explain the rules. If large families settle here with their entire household goods or drug addicts meet, then one must seek again and again with them the conversation.

But all that won't be enough to make the place the little metropolitan oasis it could actually be. About two years ago, some residents met to explore what they could do to improve the situation at Meadowhut Square. "For us, it's not about displacement," says scene restaurateur Radu Rosetti, who opened "Walon & Rosetti in the Park," a kiosk with a small gastronomic offering, on the square a few weeks ago. "It's more about participation." That this can work, he had experienced at the public viewing that the "Walon & Rosetti in the Park" had offered for the World Cup.

Bright, safer and cleaner

There are many ideas and above all the will to change. That is why an association has now been formed to tackle the concrete implementation of various proposals. At the same time, it is clear to all involved that the founding of the association does not mean that a switch can simply be flipped now and all is well. "This will be a marathon," says Councillor Markus Frank, "a lengthy process in which we will certainly also have to accept many setbacks." That it will ultimately succeed in upgrading Wiesenhüttenplatz is something of which the members of the association, which in addition to Radu Rosetti and Le Méridien, which is located on the square, also include Roomers Hotel, the work space provider Design Offices, the tourism company ETS and the International Family Centre, are firmly convinced. Now it is first of all a matter of convincing even more people of the aims of the association. In doing so, the members are looking forward to new suggestions and ideas that can help to revitalize this place.

For this year, a few events are also planned, which should present the Wiesenhüttenplatz as a beautiful city square to the neighborhood, but also to all other interested parties. For example, during the Museumsuferfest there will be an open-air cinema in cooperation with the SCHIRN and in December there will be a winter bazaar. To bring the neighborhood a little closer together, there will also be a CityTour for residents on October 13 and a community cleaning event is planned for November 8.

The square should become brighter, safer and cleaner - a difficult and probably lengthy undertaking, but one that has already taken an important step closer to its goal with the formation of the association.

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