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Considerate and prudent during Easter walk in the city forest

01.04.2021 | 11:30 Clock | Favorite places
Considerate and prudent during Easter walk in the city forest

On the long Easter weekend, many families will again be drawn outside. Not only the banks of the river Main and the parks will be well visited, but also the city forest will certainly become a destination for many people. Experiencing nature awakened from hibernation with lots of greenery and the first flowering plants is also a welcome change from the lockdown dreariness. But as beautiful as a walk in the forest is and as understandable as the desire to move freely in nature, it is also important to observe some rules here.

Because the various recreational uses in Frankfurt's city forest also increasingly lead to user conflicts. Especially now, in times of the Corona pandemic, many more people are out and about in the city forest. This requires a high degree of mutual consideration and personal responsibility in order to be able to use the city forest undisturbed for personal leisure activities or for a leisurely Easter walk on the one hand, but at the same time to protect it.

The City Forestry Department of the Parks Department therefore asks all forest visitors to behave considerately and prudently. This includes - in addition to observing the applicable distance regulations - making sure that dogs remain within the sphere of influence of their owners. This reduces hazards to walkers as well as cyclists and protects wildlife at risk from loose dogs.

The Urban Forest provides a varied and extensive network of recreational trails in the Urban Forest, including bridleways. These are not to be left, so as not to disturb wildlife in their protected haunts or to trample the burgeoning vegetation.

And it must unfortunately always be pointed out that rubbish does not belong in the forest. It must please be disposed of either in the waste containers on site or at home.

The Hessian Ministry of the Environment also warns of an increased fire risk in the Hessian forests due to the continued dry weather and the increased temperatures. Therefore, remember: smoking and barbecuing are prohibited in the city forest all year round. All forest visitors are also asked not to block the access roads to the forests with vehicles. Cars may only be parked in the designated parking areas. Vehicles should not be parked over dry ground vegetation.

The City Forester will be conducting patrols over the holidays.

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