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Demolition of the parking decks at the Hessen-Center Frankfurt completed

22.03.2019 | 15:45 Clock | Business
Demolition of the parking decks at the Hessen-Center Frankfurt completed

Expansion goes ahead

The reconstruction work at the Hessen-Center is progressing according to plan: the demolition of the old parking deck Part I has been completed and the foundation stone for the new parking deck for around 1.400 cars at the Hessen-Center Frankfurt.

Parallel to the structural work currently taking place, finishing work for the new parking decks will follow from June 2019. This will include roof sealing, steel construction work and the installation of electrical systems. The first part of the parking garage is scheduled for completion in autumn 2019. The second part will follow directly afterwards and is scheduled to open in autumn 2020. Visitors can expect a variety of services: designated family parking spaces, E-parking spaces, a parking guidance system and covered bicycle parking.

Olaf M. Kindt, Center Manager of the Hessen-Center says about the construction progress : "We are glad that our visitors accompany the construction with a lot of patience, understanding and interest. Before Christmas, we will be rewarded with the most modern parking garage in Frankfurt East."

Alexander Kemling, project manager of the construction company Max Bögl, is pleased with the construction of the multi-storey car park in record time. "Work has started on schedule and should be completed by the end of October."

The construction company and center management are working hand in hand to ensure that disruptions to ongoing center operations for customers and visitors continue to be kept to a minimum. The shopping center can be entered via all main entrances. Only in terms of parking will customers and visitors have to accept minor restrictions and make use of the outdoor parking spaces. On more highly frequented weekends, additional parking attendants are already in use to make the most sensible use of the available parking spaces.

A large amount of soil and fill material will be moved for the new construction.

- Approximately 7.400 cubic yards of soil will be excavated - enough to fill just under two Olympic-size swimming pools.

- The new foundations, about 320 of them, will be made of about 1,900 cubic yards of de-icing salt-resistant concrete.

- In addition, approximately 5,250 cubic yards of gravel will be backfilled for the lower parking area.

- Approximately 1,650 yards of sewer lines have been installed to drain the parking deck. In the course of this work, the existing ground lines on the construction site will also be rebuilt - the lines in one piece could be laid out about 11 times along the mall in the Hessen-Center.

The Hessen-Center will be extensively modernized, redesigned and significantly upgraded for customers and tenants over the next two years as planned for a total of 45 million <x>ampersand</x>euros;. In addition to the demolition and new construction of the parking decks, the measures include improved facilities and many additional services. The quality of stay in the center will thus be significantly increased. The center will be more modern, brighter and have a friendlier atmosphere. Among other things, comfortable seating and cosy lounge areas will be installed and the customer corridors, customer toilets and entrance areas of the center will be upgraded. These measures will be implemented step by step over the next few months. The first optimizations, such as modern signage, have already been implemented.

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