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Die Fleischerei Else Kalbskopp - Neueröffnung in der Frankfurter Kleinmarkthalle

25.03.2019 | 12:00 Clock | Culinary
Die Fleischerei Else Kalbskopp - Neueröffnung in der Frankfurter Kleinmarkthalle

Frankfurt's Kleinmarkthalle is pleased to welcome a newcomer: Anna Satvary opened her Else Kalbskopp butcher shop here last week. Satvary, who is no stranger to the Frankfurt butcher scene, focuses on sustainable meat enjoyment in her shop, on regional products from species-appropriate husbandry and on largely dispensing with environmentally harmful packaging. For the Frankfurt master butcher, the opening is a long-cherished dream come true. Now Anna Satvary can finally offer exactly the products that meet her own high standards in her own shop. To ensure this, she searched for a long time for suitable suppliers. She convinced herself on site that the animals are indeed raised according to species-appropriate standards and later come to slaughter without stress and long distances.

Unique in Frankfurt: Advice from meat sommeliers

But it is not only the quality of sausage and meat that should convince customers in the Kleinmarkthalle. Anna Satvary is convinced that the right advice also plays a crucial role. And that starts with one's own training. For example, the master butcher and her colleague Akiwa Heller recently learned what can be done additionally with new cuts, innovative preparation and fine spices in the first meat sommelier course run by the Hessian Chamber of Crafts Rhine-Main and the Heyne butcher school in Darmstadt-Weiterstadt. The 42-year-old and her team are looking forward to sharing the knowledge with their customers from now on.

From nose to tail - even the unknown can be delicious

Anna Satvary fully stands behind her concept of sustainability. And for her, that means offering parts of the animals that would otherwise rarely go on sale. But even these neglected parts can be prepared very tasty. In this way, the butchery is following the "From Nose to Tail" trend, which is currently becoming more and more popular. In order to convince even skeptical customers, Anna Satvary and her team not only keep a stock of delicious recipes on hand. As part of the daily changing lunch menu, guests can also convince themselves of the deliciousness of liver and co. on the spot on "Offal Tuesday".

Else and Anna - tradition with a future

Else Kalbskopp was the owner of the Goldenes Kalb house in Frankfurt's old town. At the end of the 19th century, Karl Gref and Minna Völsing founded their first shop there, later making history on Hanauer Landstraße with the Gref-Völsings beef sausage. Karl and Minna are the great-great-grandparents of Anna Satvary, who likes to reflect on this tradition. She is a trained cook, master butcher, was a specialist teacher at the vocational school for butchers and cooks, is a member of the examination board of the butchers' guild and the Heyne butchers' college and also a graduate of the first meat sommelier course in Hesse. She worked in the family business for many years and is now starting her own business, in the innovative spirit of her ancestors. Anna Satvary is a mother of three children and already showed as a three-time Iron Woman that she has stamina and drive.

Address: Kleinmarkthalle, Hasengasse 5- 7, 60311 Frankfurt am Main

Opening hours: Mo - FR 08 - 18 Uhr, Sa 08 - 16 Uhr

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