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Gastronomy may reopen - These are the new Corona rules for Hesse

07.05.2020 | 18:41 Clock | Service
Gastronomy may reopen - These are the new Corona rules for Hesse

Hesse's Minister President Volker Bouffier, Economics Minister Tarek Al-Wazir, Sports Minister Peter Beuth and Kai Klose, Minister for Social Affairs and Integration, today presented the new regulations to curb the Corona pandemic. The clear statement: the tough measures of the past week were so successful that there can now be relaxations in certain areas. However, always under the observance of distance and hygiene regulations. The citizens are thereby not only given back a large piece of freedom, but also a large responsibility. Tarek Al-Wazir made it clear: "Freedom and responsibility are siblings." If we now deal too carelessly with the regained freedom, we could lose it again very quickly.

"We are counting on citizens, restaurateurs, hoteliers or event organizers to take responsibility and implement it," Al-Wazir said, because: In a second wave probably nobody should have an interest. Recreational and amateur sports, if they can be carried out without controversy, is already possible again from 09 May. Gastronomy, Cafés, arcades, casinos or even betting offices may reopen from 15 May. And also events with up to 100 persons are possible again with appropriate hygiene concepts in Hesse. In addition, the restriction of the sales area in the retail trade will be abolished. Now applies: the number of customers is limited to one customer per 20sqm.

Above all relaxations is the personal responsibility of the people: We must remain prudent. The mask requirement still applies when shopping and on public transport, in offices, etc., contact restrictions, distance requirements and adherence to hygiene rules also still apply. If all that is adhered to and infection rates don't rise significantly despite the relaxations, there may be further relaxations in early June - which is how long the new rules will be in place.

The new regulations in detail

.Basically, the openings in the form shown below are only conceivable if the required hygiene concepts and spacing rules are adhered to, and thus the number of newly infected persons per 100.000 inhabitants does not exceed the number of 50 infected persons in one week in a county / a city without a county. In a more unfavorable outcome, renewed restrictions are inevitable.

1. Contact Restrictions and Events

Continued contact restrictions are needed to further contain the virus and reduce the number of people infected. Given the low infection rates, social contact can be gradually allowed again. For example, from 9 May, it will once again be permitted to meet members of another household in public, in addition to those living in one's own household.

For events, the Chancellor's agreement with the heads of government of the German states to ban large-scale events until 31 August 2020 applies. Special regulations already apply to religious services and demonstrations. The Hessian event concept provides for allowing gatherings of up to 100 people under regulated conditions from 9 May. The competent authorities may allow a higher number of participants in exceptional cases, if it is ensured that compliance with the conditions (for example, hygiene and distance rules) is continuously monitored.

2. Schools

The state government adheres to its proven course of a gradual opening. After the partial openings that have already taken place, the following concept is based on the resolutions of the Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs, case law and the experience gained from the openings that have taken place so far.

The phased plan for the schools provides:

from 18.05: Secondary I, simultaneously introductory phase of secondary II and intensive classes; 4th grade at primary schools.

from 18.05.: further opening of vocational schools and InteA classes

from 02.06: Grades 1 - 3 as well as preliminary classes, preliminary courses and intensive classes at primary schools.

The resumption of school operation of the special schools is oriented to the dates of the primary schools and secondary schools.

In this regard, it must be taken into account that the schools must be given a reasonable amount of time to prepare, including for the organisation of lessons for the small groups, room allocation, deployment planning of teachers and implementation of the hygiene plan.

3. Higher education institutions

The higher education institutions shall decide on their opening from 9 May 2020 within the framework of their self-government. Face-to-face courses will in principle be possible again from this date, while at the same time online courses should continue to be used.

4. Child day care

Parallel to the opening of primary schools, child day care should also be made possible again. We will move from the system of extended emergency care to a model of restricted regular care. The difficulties in implementing spacing rules etc. in the area of children aged 12 months to 6 years must be countered by particularly careful pedagogical work and organisation. Therefore, more lead time is needed for the facilities.

From 9 May, there will be the possibility of forming family care communities of up to three families. As a first step, we are expanding eligibility for emergency care beginning May 11. Then, beginning June 2, day care centers are scheduled to reopen to all children in limited regular operation.

5. Service and retail

The retail sales area limit of 800m<x>ampersand</x>sup2; will be eliminated from May 9, 2020. Instead, the rule will be, for every 20m<x>ampersand</x>sup2; or part thereof, one customer is allowed.

Body-related services such as hairdressers, beauty salons, massage practices etc. have already been allowed to open since 4. May.

6. Catering and Tourism

From 15. May 2020, an opening of restaurants, pubs, caf<x>ampersand</x>eacute;s, beer gardens, casinos and gambling halls (indoor and outdoor) is possible, subject to spacing rules and hygiene concepts. Dance halls and discotheques will remain closed for the time being.

Bed and breakfast establishments, private rooms and hotels will be able to resume operations for tourist purposes from 15 May 2020. As far as meals are offered, the same requirements apply as for gastronomy. This also applies to the distance rule and the permissible density of persons per square metre of guest area, with the exception of guest rooms. In all public areas (reception, meeting rooms, breakfast room, restaurant), the distance rules between staff and guests and between guests themselves must be observed.

Also from 15 May 2020, holiday homes and campsites can be rented and used. Permanent camping and second home use will remain permitted. Amusement parks can also reopen their gates from that date if they have a comprehensive hygiene concept. Swimming pools and saunas etc. will remain closed.

7. Sport and leisure

Sport and health go together. From 9 May 2020, sport can be practised again, provided that, among other things, it is practised without contact, a minimum distance of 1.5 metres is maintained between persons, hygiene and disinfection measures are observed and no showers or washrooms etc. are used. Similarly, training and competition operations of top-level and professional sports will be permitted in coordination with the leagues, provided that this is based on a comprehensive hygiene concept.

Indoor playgrounds, climbing and gymnasiums, bowling alleys including bowling and squash can reopen their doors or be played under similar conditions from 9 May 2020. Fitness studios can reopen from 15 May 2020.

For sports and other leisure facilities, hygiene concepts must of course meet the specific requirements to a particular extent.

8. Theatres, museums, other cultural institutions

Under the conditions specified for events, theatres, opera houses and concert halls as well as other cultural institutions can also reopen from 9 May 2020. This still excludes events and concerts where clearance rules cannot realistically be met, due to the increased risk of infection.

9. Amusement arcades, casinos and betting offices

Amusement arcades, casinos and betting offices can also resume business from 15. May 2020 to resume business.

All ordinances will be in effect until June 5, 2020.

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