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Hesse tightens Corona rules - UPDATE

22.12.2021 | 13:58 Clock | Service

Update 12/22/2021: Today the current Corona regulations were tightened once again. Despite currently falling infection figures, the situation remains serious, said Hesse's Minister President Volker Bouffier. With regard to the Omikron variant, it is even getting worse again - and this must be counteracted with stricter rules. Bouffier explained that further data on Omikron was needed. Therefore, the Minister Presidents will again agree on further measures as early as 7 January. By then, he said, the expert council will have presented a new report.

Vaccination campaign must continue

Vaccination or. Boosters is still the most important component in the fight against the virus. Therefore, the head of government and Social Minister Kai Klose once again urged all citizens in Hesse to get vaccinated, calling it "right" that the federal and state governments have agreed to "consistently" continue the vaccination campaign.

The fundamental prerequisite for the vaccination campaign in Hesse to continue successfully is the sufficient influx of vaccine to be guaranteed by the federal government. "We have massively expanded the vaccination capacities in recent weeks in a tremendous effort by the Hessian vaccination alliance of doctors and pharmacists and the public health service and have once again significantly exceeded the self-imposed target of 400,000 vaccinations per week in the past week with over 550,000 vaccinations," said Health Minister Kai Klose. Numerous medical practices and vaccination centers of the public health service would continue to vaccinate over Christmas and New Year.

Furthermore, the head of government and the minister called on people, regardless of their vaccination status, for example, to be additionally tested before personal meetings. This applies "especially during the Christmas season" and especially when meeting vulnerable people. "Apply also over the holidays the current rules on distance, hygiene and mask."

Bouffier concluded by stressing that many points from the MPK resolution had already been implemented in Hesse. Already in mid-December, the Hessian parliament had passed a resolution to be able to take further measures if the pandemic situation so required. Therefore, there are only a few changes today, which will take effect from 28.12:

What is new in Hesse?

(Based on the decisions of the MPK of 21.12.21 and the adjustment of the Corona Ordinance of Hesse of 22.12.21)

contact restrictions

Further tightening contact restrictions in public spaces to groups of 10 or less.

If unvaccinated or unwell people are present, meetings of one household and a maximum of two people from another household will remain. Exceptions apply to children and adolescents under 14 years of age and to persons who cannot be vaccinated. In the private sector, Hesse maintains an urgent recommendation to limit these contact numbers.

Hesse recommends testing before face-to-face meetings.

The operation of dance halls, clubs and discotheques is now prohibited statewide, regardless of the incidence of infection on site. Regular food service operations are allowed there.

The cap for all events will be 250 attendees. This rule applies to both indoor and outdoor events.

The new measures will take effect December 28, 2021 and run through January 13, 2022.

Original news from 15.12.2022: The Christmas holidays are just around the corner, but the current infection situation in Hesse spreads truly no festive mood. On the contrary, in order to counteract the high infection figures and the burden on intensive care units, the Hessian state government has again tightened the current Corona protection regulation yesterday, Tuesday, 14 December, and decided on further restrictions in the fight against the pandemic. "Unfortunately, the situation remains serious and we are increasing the level of protection. Infection numbers remain too high, hospitals are at capacity and the Omicron variant of the virus continues to challenge us all. Due to the high utilization of intensive care units, extensive protective measures have already been taken in Hesse. In particular, we have introduced the 2G rule in many areas to reduce the risk of infection and to protect particularly vulnerable groups from severe illness," said Hesse's Minister President Volker Bouffier and Social Minister Kai Klose.

Current figures call for further steps

"However, the high infection rates and the expected further cases in hospitals and intensive care units make further steps necessary. If we do not take countermeasures, the health care system will continue to be overburdened. For this reason, the Hessian State Parliament has passed a resolution allowing additional measures to be taken if and as long as there is a concrete risk of Covid-19 spreading in Hesse. On this basis, we have adapted our current ordinance in order to be prepared for the coming weeks," said the head of government.

The Hessian parliament had determined - in view of the high infection figures - in its session on 7 December that Section 28a (1) to (6) of the Federal Infection Control Act is applicable in principle. This will allow further measures to contain the pandemic.

These further regulations of the Corona Protection Ordinance will apply from Thursday, 16. December 2021:

Testing requirement for booster will be dropped

Wherever the 2G Plus rule applies under the Coronavirus Protection Order, those who have been vaccinated and geneseeded must also submit a current negative Corona test. This testing requirement is now waived for individuals who have already received a (third) booster vaccination.

Contact restrictions when meeting the unvaccinated

When meeting in public with at least one unvaccinated or unrecovered person, there are additional contact restrictions: Only one's own household and a maximum of two people from another household are then permitted. The previous exemptions, for example for persons under 18 years of age, remain in place.


Outdoors: In the future, masks must be worn at large events with more than 3,000 attendees - even if spacing can be maintained.

Indoor: At larger indoor events, capacity will be limited to 25 percent from the 251st seat. This means that the first 250 seats may be fully utilized. For all other seats, only every fourth seat may be used.

Expansion of 3G rule

In the future, 3G will also apply to visitors in residential youth care facilities. In child day care, the 3G rule applies to (self-employed) staff.

New Year's Eve: Firecracker ban on busy places

On busy public places no fireworks (from category F2) may be burned. Small fireworks such as sparklers or firecrackers are still allowed. The affected places will be determined by the municipalities. The federal government has also announced that it will ban the sale of (larger) fireworks nationwide.

Hotspot Rule

Once the incidence in a county or. of a county or city exceeds 350 for three consecutive days, additional "hotspot regulations" take effect locally from the next day.

Alcohol bans in busy places and squares. These are determined by the municipalities.

Mask obligation in pedestrian zones. The exact demarcation is determined by the municipalities.

For events (more than 10 people) as well as in the cultural, sports and leisure sector (sports field, gym, cinema, theatre, etc.) and in gastronomy as well as for tourist overnight stays, the following applies: Inside 2G-Plus. Outside 2G.

Christmas market: access only for vaccinated and recovered (2G). Municipalities may also ban alcohol within the 2G area.

Above 3,000 attendees, the 2G plus rule also applies to outdoor events. The mask requirement remains in effect.

Limit the number of people at private parties and gatherings to 50 indoors and 200 outdoors.

Closure of dance halls, clubs and discos, and prostitution establishments.

These "hotspot regulations" will expire once the incidence level is below the threshold of 350 for five consecutive days.

The regulation goes into effect on December 16. That means the first day the new hotspot rules can take effect in a hotspot community is Dec. 19.

"We ask that you all follow the rules in place over the holidays and use distance, hygiene and mask. Please get vaccinated - whether it's the first vaccination or a booster, every vaccination helps us put the pandemic behind us!", says Health Minister Kai Klose, who points to the numerous vaccination opportunities that exist in Hesse - and which are also being actively used: "Today we administered the ten millionth vaccination in Hesse since the vaccination campaign began. That is an impressive number. I would like to thank all the partners of the Impfallianz Hessen and their employees and helpers from the bottom of my heart for this great joint achievement," Minister Klose continued.

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