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Keep your distance - otherwise you could be fined

03.04.2020 | 14:43 Clock | Service
Keep your distance - otherwise you could be fined

Mayor Feldmann, Head of Health Majer and Head of Public Order Frank welcome catalogue of fines

The order of the day is called social distancing - i.e. "keeping your distance". The best way to do this is to leave home only when absolutely necessary and even then try to keep contacts with other people to an absolute minimum. A large number of people adhere to this - but by no means all. And for the unfortunately still too many incorrigible ones there must be just also a punishment. "As before, some incorrigible people do not take the distance requirement seriously. These people are not only endangering their health, but the health of us all. From now on, we will monitor even more closely that the distance requirement is adhered to," announced Lord Mayor Peter Feldmann, Head of Health Stefan Majer and Head of Public Order Markus Frank. "In this context, we welcome the fine catalog of the state of Hesse."

According to observations of the last few days, it is to be feared that due to the expected beautiful spring weather on the weekend, especially on the banks of the Main will accumulate larger crowds. The fact that one risks for a few beautiful moments in the fresh air, that the lockdown lasts much longer, is disregarded as well as the fact that one plays in the truest sense of the word out of pure egoism with human lives. For this reason, the Lord Mayor once again emphasises: "I appeal once again to the common sense of the people of Frankfurt: go outside but keep your distance. Use the green belt, our parks, the city forest, but not only the Mainufer," said Feldmann.

Also Majer made clear: "We must not take the Corona virus lightly. It's very much about the at-risk groups - the elderly and people with pre-existing conditions - who we must protect by all means. That's where everyone needs to be involved."

Frank again made clear: "Our law enforcement officers will apply the new catalogue of fines consistently. However, we hope to have little cause to do so. We continue to rely on everyone's understanding of the need for the measures imposed."

Therefore also from us once again the appeal: renounce the sunbathing on the banks of the Main, so that people are not unnecessarily put in danger and we can enjoy the beautiful sides of our city all together again as soon as possible. If everyone pulls himself together now, then we come #together further

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