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Making of ... Fashion - A day all about fashion

12.04.2018 | 08:18 Clock | Culture
Making of ... Fashion - A day all about fashion

The big <link https: ffm-aktuell s ugc jil-sander-praesentiert-weltweit-erste-einzelausstellung-in-frankfurt.html _blank>JIL SANDER. PRÄSENS exhibition at the Museum Angewandte Kunst is the occasion for a great project day, which will highlight the topic of fashion in two parts and provide a multifaceted insight into this world. On 14 April, the museum will bring together visitors and actors from the fashion sector to reflect on the social conditions and effects of fashion.

The first part, Create Fashion, is aimed at young people interested in fashion and starts at 2pm. First, short guided tours through the exhibition Jil Sander. Präsens exhibition will explain how a fashion collection is created, what inspires designers and how a brand is built up. Afterwards, various creative people will reveal how to skilfully stage fashion in a round of talks, give an insight into their everyday working lives and answer the young people's questions. Afterwards, a fashion show and exhibition will present the results of the Create Fashion and Auf Tuchfühlung school projects, in which students have created their own collections and lookbooks under professional guidance at the museum over the past few months.

Admission to the Create Fashion afternoon program is free. Registration is requested by email to: <link>

Fashion Talks: Power Dressing. Fashion and Power

In the second part starting at 6 p.m., the INVENTUR_STILKRITIK conference series from Berlin looks at the female dress code in the professional world in lectures and talks. First, Dr. Diana Weis traces the history of power dressing in a multimedia lecture - including reform sacks, shoulder pad excesses, and toe-decollet<x>ampersand</x>eacute;s. Afterwards, Dr. Mahret Kupka and Florian Müller discuss power cross dressing. In the following talk, Christiane Frohmann reveals how Jil Sander influenced the look of women in positions of power, questions whether fashion can actually become an act of emancipation and what empowerment looks like in the age of digitalization. Afterwards, Dr. Diana Weis and Eckhart Nickel will talk about fashion between constraint and attitude, before all guests of the evening will engage in conversation with the audience in the closing discussion.

Admission to the Fashion Talks is 5 euros, concessions 3.50 euros. Without registration.

Program overview

Create Fashion

14-15 hrs Short guided tours through the exhibition Jil Sander. Presence

15-17 hrs Talk with Christoph Klutsch (photographer), Helena Kling (blogger), Evelyn Fay (make-up artist and hairstylist), Florian Müller (PR consultant), Manuel Almeida Vergara (journalist). Moderation: Simone Richter (Head of Education and Outreach Museum Angewandte Kunst)

17-18 hrs Presentations of the school projects Create Fashion and Auf Tuchfühlung mit Modenschau

Fashion Talks: Power Dressing. Fashion and Power

6pm Power Dressing: The Working Woman as Will and Imagination

Lecture by Dr. Diana Weis

6.45pm Power Cross Dressing

Talk with Dr. Mahret Kupka and Florian Müller

19.15 Uhr The Business-Woman-Cosplay

Lecture by Christiane Frohmann

20 Uhr Decently Dressed: Fashion between constraint and attitude

Talk with Dr. Diana Weis and Dr. Eckhart Nickel

20.30 hrs Closing discussion and open Q&A session with the audience

Moderation: Dr. Mahret Kupka

You can find even more info about the project day at: <link http: _blank>

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