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Museumsuferfest and Bahnhofsviertelacht 2021 cancelled

07.05.2021 | 12:53 Clock | Citywhispers
Museumsuferfest and Bahnhofsviertelacht 2021 cancelled

In the past few days there has finally been some good news: Vaccination is also progressing in Hesse, the infection figures are falling and thus the prospect of a somewhat more carefree summer is rising. And even if everything looks like life will be easier for all of us again in a few months, many things will still not be as they were before the pandemic. This also includes the fact that at the moment there is still no planning certainty for the summer. And so the decision has now had to be made to cancel both the Museumsuferfest 2021 and the Bahnhofsviertelnacht (BHVN 2021). Due to the size of the events and the associated necessary lead time for planning, the decisions could not be postponed any further, as Mayor Peter Feldmann and Thomas Feda, managing director of the organizing Tourismus+Congress GmbH Frankfurt am Main (TCF) explained today.

"As an established cultural festival, the Museumsuferfest has an appeal that extends far beyond the borders of our city. I very much regret that another cancellation is unavoidable," said the Lord Mayor. Even if the vaccination campaign is making good progress in the meantime, festivals of this dimension cannot be seriously planned in the current phase of the pandemic.

"We have the showmen and women in mind and also the longing of many Frankfurt residents for their traditional festivals and favorite events," Feldmann and Feda emphasized. For this reason, the cancellation was deliberately not made across the board for all festivals in 2021. There is still hope and confidence for the folk festivals and smaller events in late summer and autumn. Thus, the Mainfest, the apple wine festival, the Rheingau wine market and also the autumn Dippemess will be further planned and conceptually revised according to pandemic conditions. The aforementioned festivals are less complex in structure and also in planning than, for example, the Museumsuferfest, are much smaller and can be better planned and implemented with hygiene and protection concepts. The traditional Frankfurt Christmas market is also to take place this year, depending in each case on the pandemic development, the vaccination progress and the approval situation.

So despite the cancellation of these very popular festivals, concepts are still being worked on at full speed to make further festivities possible in Frankfurt this year. Whether these can be carried out will probably only be decided in the short term. But if the positive trend of the last few days continues, then the hope is justified that there will be a small, slimmed-down Volksfest season in 2021. We'll keep you posted.

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