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Radio X invites you to the Long Radio Night of the Museums

29.01.2021 | 11:35 Clock | Culture
Radio X invites you to the Long Radio Night of the Museums

Taking a relaxed stroll through a museum and enjoying art - that is unfortunately not possible at the moment. And whether museums will be allowed to reopen after February 14 is still written in the stars at the moment, although most of the houses have very well worked out hygiene and protection concepts that have definitely proven their worth in the past year. The commercial-free city radio Radio X would like to bring home a little museum feeling to all those who sorely miss a visit to the museum. And so this coming Sunday, January 31, there will be a Long Radio Night of Museums. From 10 p.m. - 7 a.m.all people interested in culture will have the opportunity to explore Frankfurt's museums auditorily in this special broadcast. You will hear features about the participating museums, information about their 2021 annual programme, as well as interesting facts, virtual tours and interviews with artists, directors and curators. Anyone who wants to know whether staying up late is worth it can already get a taste of what the Long Radio Night of Museums has to offer from 9 p.m. on the "Collectionism" show on Radio X.

Cultural Affairs Director Ina Hartwig is happy about this alternative cultural program: "People miss the cultural offerings of the museums. The Long Radio Night is a nice way to aurally explore 13 exhibition houses during the lockdown. The offer is very diverse, just like our houses themselves. I thank Radio X for the initiative, which provides a platform for the museums and gives hope that we will soon be able to reopen them. I am committed to that, bearing in mind the pandemic situation."

Listeners should also get plenty of inspiration from the multi-hour show for other museum offerings during the lockdown. For example, in addition to a preview of planned exhibitions, there will also be a look at selected digital offerings that museums are currently making available online and for free. These include guided tours, lectures, podcasts and tutorials, digital exhibition openings, and background information on collection exhibits and current special exhibitions. Even if these digital offers cannot replace a real museum visit, they still offer many nice and interesting things with which art lovers can bridge the time until the museums reopen. In addition, the commitment of the museums should be praised at this point, with digital formats to maintain contact with their visitors even in these difficult times.

Broadcast maker and Radio X presenter Thorsten Sinning explains the idea behind the Long Radio Night of the Museums: "With the broadcast, we want to express our solidarity with the museums in Frankfurt and send the signal that the houses in Frankfurt are still there for the visitors with different online offers despite the pandemic-related closing time."

These 13 exhibition houses are participating in the Long Radio Night of the Museums: Archaeological Museum, German Architecture Museum, DFF - German Film Institute & Film Museum, Historical Museum and Young Museum, Jewish Museum, Museum of Applied Arts, Museum of Communication, Museum Giersch of Goethe University, MUSEUM MMK FOR MODERN ART, Museum of Communication, the Städel Museum and the Weltkulturen Museum. Online, there is more information about the show.

Radio X can be heard on FM 91.8 via DAB+ in southern Hesse and at The broadcast can be heard in parallel at and also afterwards in the Radio X media library at for seven days.

Radio x is the independent commercial-free city radio in Frankfurt. Around 400 citizens from Frankfurt, Offenbach and the surrounding area have joined forces to create a varied programme away from the mainstream. The spectrum of contributions ranges from music programs of various genres, media educational programs by and for children, to district radio, foreign language broadcasts, to magazines on topics from art, culture, politics, science, literature, theater, cinema.

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