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Recruitment in the gastronomy - how a restaurateur from Trier managed to get out of a staff shortage

27.09.2021 | 16:46 Clock | Business
Recruitment in the gastronomy - how a restaurateur from Trier managed to get out of a staff shortage

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Are you also a restaurateur? Then you surely know the problem, that since Corona it has become increasingly difficult to attract staff. Whether it's cooks, service staff, operations managers or cleaners, the staff shortage is getting to the point where restaurant businesses can no longer open every day. Many of our Frankfurt-Tipp customers also suffer from this.

Many guests, but no employees! A restaurateur from Trier could now free himself from this trap. Roland Hach is the owner and operator of the Monte Petris.
He has been a passionate restaurateur for 30 years and has never had such difficulties finding staff. Whether it was job boards, newspaper ads or word of mouth, somehow people were always found. But since Corona, that has changed dramatically - "He didn't even get a response anymore," says Hach.

But now, despite all the challenges, Roland Hach has managed within four weeks to hire a total of five new employees (including three cooks and two service staff).
His recipe for success, an innovative social media recruiting campaign that he created in collaboration with the team from WeJoinYou, ran over four weeks.

The basis is a personal video in which Roland Hach presents himself and his restaurant business authentically and sympathetically and talks about his search for personnel.


The video was then specifically played out in the social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) so that only chefs and service staff (or people with this qualification) from the regional environment were addressed. As a result, a total of 36 applications were received. Of these, 20 applied for the position of service personnel and 16 applications from potential cooks. After agreed trial shifts, a total of five new employees could be hired.

While Roland Hach was rather skeptical about recruitment via social media. However, since the daily loss of sales (closures on two days of the week due to staff shortages) weighed he gave the whole thing a chance and was ultimately surprised himself with a positive result. The Monte Petris in Trier is now open again seven days a week and Roland Hach is already planning the next social media recruiting campaign for the upcoming winter season.

Roland Hach about his experience to recruit staff with the help of social media.


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