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The BLUE WATER is your favorite outdoor location in Frankfurt

11.07.2018 | 12:07 Clock | Culinary
The BLUE WATER is your favorite outdoor location in Frankfurt

We took advantage of the summer and asked the users in the context of our BEST OF elections: Which is actually your favorite "Gaddewirtschaft"? Where do you prefer to sit outside in Frankfurt in summer? In the course of the survey, the participants named many beautiful locations, but some are particularly popular. Of these beautiful places, after counting all the votes, the following three locations made it onto the podium:

On Place 3 it has "Beim Schecker im Gadde" made it. Here it was positively highlighted that there is plenty of space for children to run around. This beautiful, family-friendly excursion destination <link https: geniesser-tipp s geniessertipp im-gadde-idyllischer-genuss-am-stadtwaldrand.html _blank>we presented to you in more detail HERE.

On place 2 follows the <link https: restaurant _blank>Gerbermühle. This restaurant, located directly on the Main and in front of the Grüne Soße fields of Oberrad, pleases at any time of the year, but can score points in summer with its spacious outdoor terrace, which is a wonderful place to relax thanks to the beautiful view of the Main riverbank. But also the food could convince the users, who voted for the Gerbermühle, all along the line.

For Place 1 it goes directly opposite to the other side of the Main. Here lies the restaurant "Blue Water", a real outdoor gem. The winning location received the most votes by a wide margin. A real oasis at the eastern harbour, with great food and an incomparable holiday atmosphere. When handing over the certificate, Elina Stark thanked the users in the name of the whole team: "We were really surprised and were very happy about this award."

We congratulate the entire team of BLAUEN WASSER for the title "Best of GADDEWIRTSCHAFT 2018" and also thank all participants again for taking part!

<link https: geniesser-tipp s geniessertipp das-blaue-wasser-eine-echte-wohlfuehloase-im-osthafen.html _blank>More about the favorite "Gaddewirtschaft" of users can be read HERE

If you want to get to know this location at a very special event, then mark the 12 August. Because then the BLUE WATER organizes together with its neighbor, the swimming club Sparta the "<link https: events _blank>Berliner Nacht am Tag" Open Air. From 11 am to 10 pm you can dance to the finest beats on the Sparta grounds and in the Blue Water. <link https: e _blank>Tickets are available HERE.

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