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The Great Christmas Circus Frankfurt finally provides magical moments again

20.12.2021 | 10:50 Clock | Culture
The Great Christmas Circus Frankfurt finally provides magical moments again
The Great Christmas Circus Frankfurt finally provides magical moments again
The Great Christmas Circus Frankfurt finally provides magical moments again

For a long time now, the team around Manuel Wille and Natascha Wille-Busch from Circus Carl Busch has been tinkering with the comeback of the Great Christmas Circus after the Corona break last year. Even when the condition came that only half of the available seats could be occupied, the new guest performance was a matter of course for all involved. The first doubts only came when the stricter requirement came in, allowing only a 25% occupancy rate. "That's actually not economically feasible," Manuel Wille tells the audience in one of the first performances of the new guest play, then adds: "But we definitely want to put on this great, new show." With a loud "Thank you, Frankfurt!" the now 8th program of the Great Christmas Circus then gets underway. It is a mixture of breathtaking artistry, award-winning clowning and fascinating magic, which generates so much enthusiasm that the applause is not to hear that it comes from significantly fewer people than actually usual.

Since, in addition to the reduced audience size, the 2G+ rule still applies and the tent has also been equipped with a new ventilation system that allows for a constant supply of fresh air, things finally got underway again last Friday. It's quite clear: even the lower capacity of the tent doesn't harm the good mood in any way. You can tell that all the artists, male and female, are having great fun finally being able to perform again and present their talents to an audience. Bingo, a troupe of artists from the Ukraine that has won several awards at the International Circus Festivalof Monte-Carlo, provides a brilliant opening, with breathtaking performances on the ground and at dizzy heights in the very first minutes.

Many other artistic highlights follow for over two hours: For example, from Tetiana Kundyk, who wowed the jury and audience at the "Supertalent" in 2015. Her performance on the slack rope is of a fascinating elegance, which Alex and Adelina alias Duo Romance also radiate when they fly through the air on straps. For good mood provides in between again and again the "Prince OF Clowns" Henry Ayala, which was likewise distinguished at the international Circusfestival. Especially his waiter act provides many hearty laughs for young and old.

Alexandra Saabel then provides truly magical moments with a number inspired by "Alice in Wonderland". She makes Alice and her friends disappear before the eyes of the audience, only to have them reappear in a completely different place. Garnished with great costumes and an imaginative set, this number is clearly one of the highlights of the program. This also applies to the brilliant finale presented by the Ayala troupe on the high wire. What is presented here at a height of many metres under the tent dome simply takes your breath away. Great!

These are just some of the highlights of a program that, after a long break, again celebrates circus art of the highest order. Now all involved ones hope that they may present the guest performance also up to the thought finale on 09 January on the festival place at the council way. We keep our fingers crossed, because when artistes fly through the tent on cloths, juggle at breathtaking speed or majestic horses gallop through the ring, it gives all circus fans goosebumps and a glow in these difficult times.

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Additional performances due to high demand

On 25. and 26 December, and 2, 8 and 9 January, there will be additional performances at 11am. Tickets for these are available now!

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