The Ultimate Event Guide for the FrankfurtRhineMain Metropolitan Region

The record of hearts - 103,711 servings of Grie Soß in Frankfurt!

23.06.2017 | 14:27 Clock | Culinary
The record of hearts - 103,711 servings of Grie Soß in Frankfurt!

The <link https: ffm-aktuell s ugc der-countdown-zum-gruene-sosse-tag-laeuft.html _blank>Green Sauce Day is over and although the record was sadly missed, everyone who helped put this day together can be really proud of what was achieved. The motto of the day was: We together are Frankfurt! We live diversity and tolerance in our city - and our city stands for business, education and culture!

The initiators Maja Wolff and Torsten Müller relaunched the Green Sauce Day on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Green Sauce Festival and thus mobilized the whole city within a very short time. A total of 103,711 servings of Grüne Soße were eaten and counted in numerous restaurants, hotels, companies, daycare centers and schools, as well as in popular places in the city center. "We are impressed by the enthusiasm with which this day was received in Frankfurt. Over 300 locations, companies, initiatives and catering businesses got involved. Renowned TV and radio stations as well as local newspapers gave us editorial coverage throughout the day," says Maja Wolff.

To set the record via the Record Institute for Germany, a total of 231,775 portions of green sauce would have had to be consumed and counted. Olaf Kuchenbecker, chief judge of the Record Institute for Germany says, "Of course, such a record should be a real achievement." There are no direct precedents, never before have so many people heaped the Frankfurt national dish onto their plates at the same time. Numerous Grüne Soße fans were out and about in the city on Thursday, despite the sweltering heat and thunderstorms, to celebrate Frankfurt's cult dish at hotspots at Römer, Roßmarkt and MyZeil. Retailers also participated with creative offbeat shopping promotions. "We would like to thank all the pioneering world record holders who made the Green Sauce Day something very special!", said Wolff.

It wasn't just in Frankfurt that the green sauce hype was unleashed on June 22: Lufthansa even flew more than 7,000 portions of green sauce on intercontinental flights around the world. Kuchenbecker is optimistic: "I think the record target is plausible: that's equivalent to about a third of Frankfurt's population - and it's their national dish, after all." The organizing team is motivated to launch a new green sauce attack next year: "Frankfurt needs a world record and for this we need everyone to participate." The two patrons Markus Frank and Rosemarie Heilig congratulate the organizers and are impressed that it has been possible to achieve such great sympathy for the Green Sauce Day in such a short time: "We will take over the patronage again for 2018", both affirm.

We are already looking forward to GREEN SOUCE DAY 2018!!

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