Well, are you also grumbling your head after all the foolish celebrations? Fastnacht/Fasching/Carnival was on everyone's lips these days - BUT the Vereinshaus Ginnheimer Höhe goes other ways!
On Monday and Tuesday (27./28.2.) the house of the allotment garden association of the same name will be CLOSED! So here, on the days when it is really colourful and noisy in the city centres, there is restful silence. Not so on Ash Wednesday, 01.03.2017. Because there from 16 clock everyone is welcome to the traditional HERINGSESSEN with many different dishes around the "Matjes"!
The clubhouse in Diebsgrundweg is somewhat hidden in the north of Bockenheim and is best reached via Frauenlobstraße (access to the houses 60-62). A reservation by phone is recommended - but not mandatory.
Where? Vereinshaus Ginnheimer Höhe, Diebsgrundweg, 60487 Frankfurt/Main
Telephone: 069 - 2470 5610