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Volkshochschule offers extensive Internet course program

26.02.2021 | 15:29 Clock | Service
Volkshochschule offers extensive Internet course program

(ffm) The Volkshochschule (VHS) has enriched its current program with nearly 400 online courses. The online learning offer is aimed at interested people who want to learn a language, further their professional training, become creative, discuss current social issues or do something for their physical fitness. For companies, social institutions, cultural institutions and associations, the VHS also offers tailor-made online courses.

"With its online learning offers across all topics, the Adult Education Centre shows that it uses every opportunity to stay connected with its participants and new interested parties even at Corona times. It is not only sending a positive signal to the outside world, but is also experiencing great acceptance due to the enormous popularity," says Sylvia Weber, Head of Department for Integration and Education. "Online offerings even offer greater leeway in some areas, especially with regard to the number of participants," adds Weber. "For example, due to high demand, the VHS was easily able to increase the number of participants to 250 for its online info afternoon on social media content. The next big virtual info afternoon is coming up with the Health Day on Saturday, February 27. Here, interested people can try out relaxation methods in front of their home PC and get a taste of various types of movement, dance and psychology. And that's even free of charge," she adds.

The Moodle learning platform, video conferencing tools such as Zoom and virtual classrooms - such as Vitero - are used for the online courses and lectures. A new feature is the, which brings together all areas as a digital learning and working environment. Interested participants will receive an access link to the respective learning tool and detailed information when booking their course.

The VHS closing time, which was previously limited to Sunday, 28 February, has been extended until Easter Monday, 5 April, for corona-related reasons. Exceptions to this are face-to-face classes of BAMF courses including integration courses and German courses preparing for work according to the German Support Ordinance (DeuFöV) as well as exams or exam preparation and final courses for school and work.

Society, Politics, Psychology

Online courses on socio-political education deal with the major and minor issues of our social coexistence. It is about global political issues, but also Frankfurt relevant topics.

In Studium Generale, the program includes the epochs Early Modern Times to French Revolution, supplemented by the topics of climate change and renewable energies. "How do we want to live (in the future)?" is also the topic of the free online event series on digitalisation and social policy "Smart Democracy".

"Knowledge live" is the name of the nationwide digital science programme of the adult education centres. Here you can listen to expert lectures on current topics from politics, society and economics as live streamings. In the series "Raus aus dem Kopfkino" (Get out of your head), interactive and entertaining lectures provide interesting information about thinking and feeling. The program also includes courses on mindfulness, personality development and communication. The series "Frankfurter Psychoanalytische Freitagsrunde" (Frankfurt Psychoanalytic Friday Roundtable), which is aimed at both a professional audience and interested laypersons, discusses in four lectures the conscious and unconscious psychological factors that have a significant influence on political decision-making processes.

Creative with Keyboard, Pen, Camera and Voice

For those who love to write, whether professionally or personally, online writing workshops provide an overview of different writing styles or a hands-on way to try out a variety of writing exercises.

Musically inclined people can learn how to read music or acquire the basics of chords and scales in courses on music theory. Music practice is possible with instrumental courses for guitar, harmonica or flute. Painting and drawing courses have also been restructured online.

In photography courses, knowledge is imparted on image composition as well as the use of various photographic techniques. For example, you take photos alone outdoors and then discuss the pictures together with the other course participants in the virtual classroom. Those who are just starting out in photography can learn how to use camera functions in a targeted manner in basic courses on camera technology.

Active, relaxed and well informed

Sports for balance, especially where many people work from home offices, are also becoming increasingly important in the home. Many of the active and relaxation courses are now also offered online. The gymnastics mat can simply be spread out at home in front of the PC or laptop. The programme includes courses in yoga, back and spinal gymnastics, Pilates and stretching.

Those who want to really work out can join in with Zumba, step aerobics or abdominal-leg buttocks. Dance workout, musical dance or tap dance are also available.

Language learning online

The VHS has more than 30 languages in different course formats in the program. Many of these can now be taken online. There are beginner and advanced courses. In online conversation courses, pronunciation and vocabulary can be improved and expanded. A free online language test can be used to determine the level of one's language skills (reading and listening comprehension) beforehand.

From May 17-21, 2021, one or more Slavic languages and cultures will be featured daily in an online Slavic Writing and Culture Day course series. Included are Russian, Polish, and Croatian, as well as Czech and Slovak, Ukrainian, and Sorbian.

More than 100 online courses on jobs, careers, computers and the Internet

In one-day and multi-day online courses, you can learn to use advanced functions in Excel or program macros yourself with VBA. You can also learn how to design your next PowerPoint presentation for the upcoming video conference or how to use the Outlook calendar effectively. There are educational leaves to communication and stress management, programming languages, office organization or social media.

Specials on image and graphics editing as well as video and audio editing complete the program. Compact online lectures have been developed on the topics of data protection on the Internet, online banking or e-payment, as well as various chat and video conferencing tools.

On the topic of social media, there are basic courses introducing various platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest. In practical and clear courses you learn how to write texts for the internet or a blog, create infographics or sketchnotes, make your own explanatory videos, record podcasts, develop marketing strategies and measure success with professional monitoring tools. One can also learn how to use Xing or LinkedIn for networking and in a professional context.

The art of smooth communication can also be practiced online, rhetorical skills can be strengthened. Arguing well or storytelling are suitable means of professional persuasion. Courses to conflict management supplement the Portfolio.

Also for educators and day mothers and - fathers operational readiness level courses were transferred into on-line format. There are thereby further training courses on working with children in day care centres or day care for children as well as on professional development.

Tailored offers

In addition to the free offer, the VHS also offers tailor-made offers, which are interesting for organisations that want to further their education online - whether in the free economy, in the social and cultural sector or in voluntary work.

Further info

Course bookings can be made via the website, by telephone at 069/212-71501 or by e-mail to Courses and events are continually rescheduled during the course semester. The current status can be viewed on the VHS website. An overview of the online offerings is available via viewable.

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