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War in Ukraine - How you can help in Frankfurt

03.03.2022 | 13:12 Clock | Service

The TV tower glows from the evening hours in the colors of the Ukrainian national flag, the street art artist Justus Becker has together with MAIN YARD on a house facade in Allerheiligenstraße a sign against war in the form of a large peace dove, at schools in Hesse there was a minute of silence, thousands have met for peaceful protests against the war - everywhere in Frankfurt, solidarity with the people of Ukraine is felt. But many want to do even more to help. It's clear: every helping hand, every donation can make a difference. So that the help also arrives where it is needed, we have collected some information about aid projects, donation accounts or special actions:

Frankfurt helps:

The city of Frankfurt carries information for volunteers at We have summarized more info on this for you HERE in a separate news article.

Hesse helps Ukraine:

The Hesse Ministry of the Interior and Sports has compiled information for those affected by the war, as well as for people who would like to offer their support, on a dedicated page at:

"...daily bread for Beregovo":

The aid project from Neu-Isenburg by Jutta Loesch and her team has been actively supporting the population of the city of Beregovo in Ukraine with relief supplies for 20 years. In these difficult times, help is of course particularly urgently needed. How you can help, which donations in kind are needed and where they can be delivered, you can read under:

Emergency number for refugees from Ukraine:

The city of Frankfurt has set up a hotline for refugees from Ukraine or their relatives and friends in Frankfurt, through which they can now find out about the city's assistance. At 069/212-48444, employees of the Youth and Social Welfare Office answer questions about accommodation and other support options offered by the city. In person, staff members can be reached at the number from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. After that time, a recorded message runs with information about accommodation options at night.

Shelter seekers can also come in person to the Special Service for Refugees and Foreigners at 291 Mainzer Landstrasse. The staff there find people a roof over their heads, provide information on financial assistance and take care of emergency health insurance. Opening hours are Monday through Friday from 8 to 11:30 a.m. and Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 1 to 3 p.m.

Money Donations:

Donations account of "Bündnis Entwicklung Hilft" and "Aktion Deutschland Hilft":


IBAN: DE53 200 400 600 200 400 600



Keyword: ARD/emergency aid Ukraine

Special account of the German Red Cross:

IBAN: DE63370205000005023307


Stichwort: Emergency Relief Ukraine

Since really every euro helps, even "smaller" fundraisers are worth mentioning:

Benefit auction for Ukraine aid - call to all artists

The Atelierfrankfurt organizes in cooperation with the auction house Christie's on Wednesday, 23. March, at 7 p.m. an art benefit auction for the Ukraine aid of medico international under the patronage of culture and science department head Ina Hartwig.

All professionally working artists who would like to support this can submit their work until Wednesday, March 16, at 6 p.m.. All other info is available at:

Bakery Huck "Friedenskreppel":

"It's just a small contribution, but doing nothing wouldn't suit us" posts the Frankfurt-based family business on Instagram. To be able to make just this small contribution in helping Ukraine, from now until an indefinite period of time, the "Friedenskreppel" is available in Huck stores for 1 euro. The entire proceeds will be donated.

Benefit Concert for Ukraine:

On Thursday, 10. March, the Hessian Broadcasting Corporation with the hr Symphony Orchestra will hold a benefit concert for Ukraine together with the state of Hesse under the patronage of Prime Minister Volker Bouffier and together with the Rheingau Music Festival, the city of Frankfurt am Main, the Ensemble Modern, the Frankfurt Opera, the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Frankfurter Chöre and the Alte Oper Frankfurt.

As a sign of solidarity with the citizens of Ukraine, the hr-Sinfonieorchester under the direction of Juraj Valčuha will play, among other pieces, the final movement of the 9th Symphony by Ludwig van Beethoven, also known as the "European Anthem." Together with the Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Frankfurter Chöre and the ensemble members of the Frankfurt Opera Monika Buczkowska (soprano), Judita Nagyová (alto), AJ Glueckert (tenor) and Anthony Robin Schneider (bass). Also on the program is the Cello Concerto by Robert Schumann with soloist Truls Mørk. The Ensemble Modern presents the piece "Marevo" by the young Ukrainian composer Anna Korsun. The Alte Oper Frankfurt is making its Great Hall available for the benefit concert.

The concert on the Internet, radio and television

You can experience the concert in a video livestream at and as a live broadcast on hr2-kultur. The hr-fernsehen broadcasts time-delayed from 22.30 clock.

Benefit Concert for Ukraine

Thursday, 10. March, 8 pm, Alte Oper Frankfurt

Tickets are available for 29 euros at and under telephone 069/1552000.

All entrance fees will be donated to the "Bündnis Entwicklung Hilft" and the "Aktion Deutschland Hilft". Keyword "ARD/Nothilfe Ukraine", donation account: DE53 200 400 600 200 400 600,

If you know of any other aid projects or campaigns that we should include here, please feel free to email us at <.a">

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