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Frankfurt's Old Town at the big opening ceremony also on TV

22.09.2018 | 12:15 Clock | Favorite places
Frankfurt's Old Town at the big opening ceremony also on TV

In Frankfurt, the big Old Town Festival will be celebrated from September 28 to 30 to officially open the area between the cathedral and the Römer. For the Hessischer Rundfunk the perfect opportunity to show interesting reports and films about the old town.

Already on Monday, September 24, at 9 pm the reportage "The new Frankfurt Old Town - a project of the century" by Gunnar Henrich will run. In the film, the "hessenreporter" author accompanies craftsmen and planners of the project of the century. Further information on this exciting reportage can be found at <link https: sendungen-a-z hessenreporter sendungen _blank>,sendung-43410.html

A few days later, on 29 September, the reportage "In the Heart of Frankfurt - The New Old Town" - also by Gunnar Henrich - will run at 6:45 pm. The author accompanies construction managers, craftsmen and planners of the project of the century. You can find out more about the report at: <link https: sendungen-a-z hessenreporter sendungen _blank>,sendung-43800.html

In addition, Saturday, 29 September, is all about the city: the "Frankfurt Day" on hr-fernsehen shows from morning to evening contributions around the city as well as the new old town. An overview can be found at <link https: tv-programm>

Then it's time to program the hard drive recorder right away and enjoy the contributions after a visit to the Old Town Festival. For more info on what to expect during the three-day festivities, visit: <link https: ffm-aktuell s ugc das-altstadtfest-wirft-seine-schatten-voraus.html _blank>

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