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The Ultimate Event Guide for the FrankfurtRhineMain Metropolitan Region
October 2024
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Frühstück "to go" in Frankfurt & Rhein-Main - Top-Tipps

Das kennt Ihr doch auch: Gerade unter der Woche muss es morgens einfach oft etwas schneller gehen. Da bleibt schlicht und ergreifend nicht die Zeit, sich zum Frühstücken hinzusetzen und es sich richtig genüsslich schmecken zu lassen. Doch auch bei „to go“ muss man in Frankfurt nicht auf Qualität verzichten. Es gibt zahlreiche Locations, in denen ihr nicht nur schmackhafte Kaffeespezialitäten, sondern auch leckere belegte Brote, eine große Auswahl an Brötchen oder andere Leckereien „auf die Hand“ bekommt. Einige Top-Tipps fürs Frühstück „to go“ haben wir Euch in diesem Special zusammengestellt:

Love Bread
Our Daily Bread
Huck's Favorite Place
Time for Bread

Love Bread

This small bakery with nostalgic flair in Frankfurt's Westend certainly invites you to linger with its charm. But even when it has to go fast, a visit is worthwhile. In addition to fresh bread and various rolls, a good selection of savoury and sweet baked goods, sumptuously filled rolls and baguettes ensure that breakfast cravings are particularly well satisfied.

Our Daily Bread

If you're looking for delicious sandwiches downtown, be sure to stop by Japan Tower. Here you can find different kinds of bread with delicious spreads, pastrami, salami or ham. But also the coffee or the smoothies taste really good here.

Huck's Favorite Place

The traditional bakery from Rödelheim now has several branches in Frankfurt. The "Lieblingsplatz" in Sachsenhausen also lives up to its name. In addition to the legendary "Best Worscht in Town" bread made from sourdough, there is also a large selection of sweet pastries, rolls and snacks here. Just bite into it and enjoy!

Time for Bread

Whether it's a "cheese thing", a ham sandwich or a cinnamon bun, ZEIT FÜR BROT always places great emphasis on quality. And you can taste that. Only products made from the best organic ingredients are used here. In addition, care is taken to ensure that the suppliers come from the region. Not only exemplary, but also extremely delicious!


Cultivation and preservation of traditions in connection with the best baked goods and conscious eating enjoyment are in the foreground at Vogelsbergbäcker. How good that tastes, you can see for yourself at the branch in Frankfurt's Nordend. Friendly, charming and simply delicious.