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The Ultimate Event Guide for the FrankfurtRhineMain Metropolitan Region
February 2025
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Öffentliche Versteigerungen in Frankfurt - Top-Tipps

Zum Ersten, zum Zweiten, zum Dritten – Verkauft an den Herren im Eintracht-Shirt! Ja, Versteigerungen finden auch im digitalen Zeitalter nicht nur bei Ebay & Co. statt. Es gibt auch in Frankfurt verschiedene öffentliche Versteigerungen, bei denen Jeder mitbieten kann. Ob Fahrräder, Kunstwerke, verlorene Gepäckstücke, in der Bahn vergessene Gegenstände, Schmuckstücke und vieles mehr lässt sich bei diversen Auktionen zu mitunter echten Schnäppchenpreisen ersteigern. Wir geben Euch hier mal ein paar Tipps, wo Ihr in Frankfurt und der näheren Umgebung an Versteigerungen teilnehmen könnt:

Auction House Döbritz
Public auction of pawned goods
Auktionshaus Arnold
Auctions Lost and Found Frankfurt
VGF lost property auction
Frankfurt Airport Luggage Auctions

Auction House Döbritz

For more than five decades, Auktionshaus Döbritz has been handling auctions of paintings, prints, photographs, icons, sculptures, tapestries, carpets, clocks, pieces of furniture, silver, porcelain and jewelry. About two weeks before the respective auctions, highlight pieces can be viewed in a catalogue, which can be picked up directly at the auction house or ordered home.

Public auction of pawned goods

Not everything that is brought to the pawnshop is also collected again. Such things are taken care of by auctioneer Andreas Rückert, who regularly offers auctions of pawned items. Often these auctions take place in the Bürgerhaus Bornheim. On offer here is everything that can be turned into money in pawnshops, from jewellery to musical instruments to electrical items, works of art or jackets.

Auktionshaus Arnold

Whoever is looking for art and antiques, jewellery or porcelain, should definitely visit the auctions of Auktionshaus Arnold. In addition to the actual auction dates, there are also special dates here for previews, where you can take a closer look at the pieces that will be auctioned and plan a budget for them if you like them.

Auctions Lost and Found Frankfurt

The lost property office of the city of Frankfurt am Main at Kleyerstraße 86 also regularly offers auctions. In addition to dates where general lost property comes under the hammer, there are also some special dates for bicycle auctions. If you are looking for a suitable bike, you should make a note of these dates!

VGF lost property auction

Small and large items are also often forgotten on VGF buses and trains. From umbrellas to mobile phones, stuffed animals to jackets, gloves or handbags, various things are handed in every day at the lost property office at the Hauptwache. Anything that is not collected there within three months is auctioned off every two months on Fridays at 3 p.m. at the Eckenheim tram depot.

Frankfurt Airport Luggage Auctions

It happens again and again that pieces of luggage and other items are left behind at Germany's largest airport, Frankfurt Airport. These are then kept for three months and are then auctioned off if they are not collected by then. These public auctions take place once a month at various locations in the Rhine-Main area and are conducted by a sworn auctioneer. You simply have to have experienced such a suitcase auction, because the surprise of what is in the auctioned luggage makes a very special charm here.