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The Ultimate Event Guide for the FrankfurtRhineMain Metropolitan Region
February 2025
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Top-Tipps: Rohr- und Abflussreinigungen in Frankfurt & Rhein-Main

Wenn Rohre oder Abflüsse verstopft sind, bringt das oft unangenehme Begleiterscheinungen mit sich. Selbst zu versuchen, die Verstopfung zu beseitigen, kann die Situation sogar noch verschlimmern. Doch die richtigen Fachleute für die Rohr- und Abflussreinigung zu finden, ist gar nicht mal so einfach. Daher lohnt es sich – so drängend das Problem auch sein mag – vor der Wahl eines Dienstleisters ein wenig zu recherchieren. Neben einem ausführlichen Studieren der Webseite (klingt die Firmengeschichte stimmig, ist im Impressum tatsächlich eine lokale Adresse angegeben, gibt es feste Preise, die bereits aufgelistet werden) ist es auch ratsam, auf Verbraucherportalen nach Bewertungen des Unternehmens zu schauen. 

Wir haben Euch in diesem Special mal ein paar echte Spezialisten für Rohr- und Abflussreinigung aus Frankfurt und der Rhein-Main Region zusammengestellt:

Herbert Geurts Abflussreinigung GmbH
RRF Rohrreinigung Frankfurt
R & M Kanalreinigung Rhein-Main GmbH
Abwasser tec

Herbert Geurts Abflussreinigung GmbH

Competent service is promised by this certified service provider from the Main metropolis. With professional know-how and modern technology, the team takes care of work in the private, as well as in the commercial and municipal sector. In addition to services in the field of pipe and sewer work, the company also offers various cleaning services such as gutter cleaning or cleaning ventilation systems.

RRF Rohrreinigung Frankfurt

In the city of Frankfurt and a radius of 25km, the Frankfurt company stands by its customers with a wide range of services from drain cleaning to complete sewer rehabilitation. Sewer cleaning in Frankfurt, drain cleaning, sewer rehabilitation, 24-hour emergency service, leak testing and much more are on the service program of RRF Rohrreinigung Frankfurt. Via the customer hotline, an individual offer can be obtained for every special request.

R & M Kanalreinigung Rhein-Main GmbH

Based in Hofheim, R & M Kanalreinigung Rhein-Main GmbH offers its customers a fast, reliable, friendly and competent service.

Whether pipe cleaning, finding the cause by means of a TV inspection or repairing damaged sewage pipes - solutions for a wide variety of problems are offered here with a great deal of expertise and modern technology.

Abwasser tec

The company with headquarters in Frankfurt am Main specializes in drain cleaning, pipe cleaning, sewer cleaning and sewer rehabilitation. The area of operation is not only the individual districts of Frankfurt, but the entire Rhine-Main area. Who needs help with blockages in the house and sanitary area or water in the basement or needs a specialist for high pressure flushing, sewer location, sewer rehabilitation, root removal, sewer inspection or video - pipe - diagnosis, is in good hands with the company Abwasser tec.


For 35 years, the family business in Darmstadt, Aschaffenburg and the entire Rhine-Main area has been taking care of pipe cleaning and problem repairs with sewage pipes. Pohl's services range from emergency blockage service to basic cleaning of entire pipes, camera inspection, checking for leaks and pipe-in-pipe repair.