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The Ultimate Event Guide for the FrankfurtRhineMain Metropolitan Region
February 2025
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Top-Tipps: Tanzschulen in Frankfurt & Rhein-Main

Eins, Zwei, Cha Cha Cha! Zahlreiche Tanzschulen in Frankfurt bieten Kurse und Veranstaltungen für alle Altersklassen an, bei denen Ihr Eurer Rhythmusgefühl verbessern, neue Tanzschritte erlernen oder alte Kenntnisse aufbessern könnt. Dabei ist wirklich für jeden Geschmack der richtige Tanz dabei. Schüler, Singles, Paare, Senioren – sie alle können in Frankfurts Tanzschulen lernen, wie schön das Tanzen sein kann. Und das Erlernte lässt sich dann auf Hochzeiten, auf dem Abschlussball oder natürlich auch in den Clubs der Stadt anwenden. Hier findet Ihr einige Tipps, die Euch die Suche nach der passenden Tanzschule in Frankfurt erleichtern sollen:

Tanzschule Monika Bauer
Ballet and Dance Studio M. Balzer
Dance school momento cubano
Dance and Theatre Workshop
TanzCentrum Bäppler-Wolf
Tanzschule Wernecke

Tanzschule Monika Bauer

The team of the dance school Monika Bauer teaches you knowledge in different dance styles, starting with the social dances like waltz to cha-cha-cha, over salsa, bachata, kizomba, west coast swing, lindy hop, tango argentino, boogie, swing, and disco fox. In addition to the various courses, events such as the "Thursday Salsa-Kizomba Party" or the "Downtown Swing Party" are always on the program here.

Ballet and Dance Studio M. Balzer

In the studio, founded in 1958, trained dancers and dance teachers professionally teach courses for various styles. Both beginners to students of professional advance training or professionals are welcome. Ballet, creative dance, flamenco or children's dance are just a few of the offers that can be taken here.


Dance is our passion - that's the motto of the "tanzszene" in Bockenheim. And this passion should also be transferred to the course participants. No matter whether they are children or adults. You can learn ballet, modern dance, jazz dance, fit for dance or pilates here and also experience how much fun dancing can be.

Dance school momento cubano

You want to immerse yourself in the Afro-Caribbean culture and learn dances like Bachata, Kizomba or Rumba Cubana? Then this dance school is the right place for you. Whether beginner or advanced, if you want to combine dancing with a very special attitude towards life, you should definitely take a look at the offer of momento cubano.

Dance and Theatre Workshop

Creative children's dance for very young dancers from 3 years, ballet, modern dance or hip hop for kids, as well as Pilates, flamenco or musical for adults are on the extensive course program in the dance and theater workshop. Also various workshops and training courses are offered, for example on the subject of dance therapy.

TanzCentrum Bäppler-Wolf

In Frankfurt and Bad Vilbel the team of TanzCentrum Bäppler-Wolf teaches young and old interested people different dances, from children's dance to formation dance, tap dance, disco fox and line dance. The premises in Frankfurt have been abandoned in the meantime, but the offer will continue in Bad Vilbel.

Tanzschule Wernecke

In a prime downtown location in the CineStar Metropolis as well as directly at the Südbahnhof, the Wernecke dance school offers courses for children, teens and adults - and has done so for 100 years now. Singles and couples courses, Zumba, Salsa, dance circles for seniors or Tango are on the course programme here. And even wedding dances and Frisian rock can be learned at the Tranditions dance school.