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The Ultimate Event Guide for the FrankfurtRhineMain Metropolitan Region
February 2025
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Mitternachtssnack – Essen für Nachtschwärmer in Frankfurt - Top-Tipps

Ihr kennt das doch sicherlich auch: Ihr wart gerade in einer Bar, kommt aus der Spätvorstellung im Kino oder habt ein tolles Konzert besucht. Die Nacht ist noch jung und Ihr wollt noch etwas unternehmen. Doch davor will erst einmal der Hunger gestillt werden, der Euren Magen knurren lässt. Blöd nur, dass in den meisten Gastronomiebetrieben der Stadt die Küche um 22 Uhr dicht macht. Doch zum Glück gibt es einige Lokalitäten in Frankfurt, in denen Ihr auch bis zum Teil weit nach Mitternacht noch etwas zum Essen bekommt. Wir haben hier mal ein paar Locations für Euch zusammengestellt, in denen Frankfurter Nachtschwärmer einen Mitternachtssnack genießen können: 

Peters Currywurst Taunus 25
Hamburger am Turm
Konsti Foodstation
Pizzeria Sleepless
Birmingham Pub
Köylü Döner
Pizza Petro

Peters Currywurst Taunus 25

After working as a security man in Frankfurt's clubs for many years and always getting annoyed at his job that you can't eat a good currywurst anywhere late in Frankfurt, Peter decided without further ado to open a currywurst shop himself. With sausages from the country butcher, delicious country bread and a sauce that Peter created together with a renowned star chef, the shop in the Bahnhofsviertel quickly gained cult status among many regulars. No wonder celebrities also like to make flying visits here.

Hamburger am Turm

Whether it's burgers, pizza, fries, hot dogs, falaffels, chicken wings or schnitzel, at Hamburger am Turm hungry revellers can get something in their stomachs by the first cockcrow. Not only party-happy club-goers or those guests coming from the late show at the neighbouring CineStar Metropolis are happy about this. Also for people who have to work long night shifts, the Hamburger am Turm is a popular break meeting point.

Konsti Foodstation

A wide variety of fast food options are available here into the night, from burgers and Asian food to falafel and wraps. Among them, there are also some vegetarian offerings, like the Oriental Freestyle plate with hummus, eggplant salad and breaded cauliflower. The range of food served here makes Konsti Foodstation a perfect destination, especially for groups, as there's a meal to suit almost every taste.

Pizzeria Sleepless

In Bornheim, near Berger Straße and the Höhenstraße subway station, you can still get delicious pizza at the crack of dawn. Special features here are not only the long opening hours, but also the good selection of vegan pizzas. The vegan doner pizza with spelt dough is really delicious. But also those who love conventional pizzas are well advised with a visit to Pizzeria Schlaflos.

Birmingham Pub

The popular pub has been a real institution in Frankfurt since the 80s. For almost ten years it has been located at the corner of Battonnstrasse / Kurt- Schumacher-Strasse near the Konstablerwache. Here you can get not only a good selection of beers until the early hours of the morning, but also delicious snacks like really good burgers and currywurst. In addition, there are live sports broadcasts and the pleasant pub atmosphere.

Köylü Döner

In Sachsenhausen, right on the party mile in Alt-Sachs, one of the best kebabs in town awaits you. The shop scores with tender meat from own production, nice service and extremely tasty sauces, which you can dose yourself. So you can decide for yourself how spicy, juicy or garlic-heavy your kebab should taste. This is especially advantageous if you won't go home alone ;-)

Pizza Petro

If you're in the mood for pizza late at night in Sachsenhausen, you'll get your money's worth at this popular pizzeria in Paradiesgasse. The selection is good, the dough baked in the wood-fired oven nice and crispy. The sauce is also really tasty. We recommend the pizza with pepperoni sausage, ham and mushrooms or the Petro Special. Delicious!


The freshly made baguettes at this little shop near Konstablerwache are perfect for satisfying your hunger before going to the club or heading home late at night. The crispy baguettes are generously topped with fresh ingredients and garnished with delicious sauces, where you can choose between soft and spicy. A more than tasty alternative to burgers, kebabs and co.