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The Ultimate Event Guide for the FrankfurtRhineMain Metropolitan Region
February 2025
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Juweliere in Frankfurt und Rhein-Main - Top-Tipps

Ihr seid auf der Suche nach einem zeitlos schönen Geschenk? Ihr möchtet Euch gerne selbst ein neues Schmuckstück oder eine edle Uhr gönnen? Dann steht auf jeden Fall ein Besuch beim Juwelier Eures Vertrauens ins Haus. Ob Ringe, Ketten, Armbänder oder andere Schmuckstücke – bei den Juwelieren in Frankfurt und dem Rhein-Main Gebiet findet Ihr garantiert das perfekte Geschenk für Eure(n) Liebste(n) oder Euer nächstes ganz persönliches Lieblingsstück. Wir haben mal für Euch ein paar besonders empfehlenswerte Juweliere zusammengestellt.

Jeweller Gelber
Juwelier Pletzsch

Jeweller Gelber

A traditional family business that is now in its third generation. Founded in 1971, the business is now a successful mix of large online shop and exclusive on-site consultation in the stores in Frankfurt and Offenbach. Appointments for a personal consultation can easily be booked online. Whether rings, earrings, necklaces, whether small gifts for him and her - at Juwelier Gelber you will find all this in a large selection and excellent quality.

Juwelier Pletzsch

The Pletzsch flagship store on the Zeil was founded back in 1897. To this day, the jeweller remains one of the top addresses for wedding rings, jewellery lovers and anyone who appreciates high-quality watches. A highlight of the expert for everything noble and fine is the jewelry line "Sparkling Eyes", which is manufactured in Pletzsch's own atelier.


Centrally located is the Frankfurt flagship store of Rüschenbeck. Exclusive watches, for example from Rolex (in the integrated shop) or Chanel, can be found here as well as jewellery from Just Jewels, Jochen Pohl, Gellner or Christian Bauer. On more than 450 m² you can immerse yourself in the world of jewelry and watches. Competent, detailed advice in various languages is also a matter of course here.