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The Ultimate Event Guide for the FrankfurtRhineMain Metropolitan Region
February 2025
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Einkaufscenter in Frankfurt & Rhein-Main - Top-Tipps

Shopping ohne Ende in Frankfurt

Von trendy Trubel über italienisch Flanieren bis über den Dächern gehoben Genießen: Wir nehmen Euch mit auf Shoppingtour durch die Einkaufszentren der Stadt.

Skyline Plaza
Northwest Center
My Zeil


Hesse's largest shopping center is a small town in its own right, with a kindergarten, gas station, cinema complex - and many festivities throughout the calendar year. After renovations and additions, Frankfurt's oldest center is on its way to the future, with free WiFi and a car-finder scanner. Parking is free.

Skyline Plaza

The hot diva among the shopping centers is also the youngest: Skyline Plaza in the up-and-coming Europa district. Skyline Plaza scores with its architecture and shops like Pull & Bear. Tip: Relax for after-shopping or after-work at the Meridian Spa above the rooftops!


At the down-to-earth Hessen-Center in east Frankfurt, one prefers to linger by the splashing water pools between visits to the many shops. Sympathetic are the small parking fees of 60 cents per hour. If you only park for a quarter of an hour, you pay nothing. Tip: Eat pizza at lunchtime and then try the tiramisu cake at the Eiscafé Tiziano.

Northwest Center

In Northwest Center, shops are located along shopping lanes called "corsi." Find your way around the shops, which have something for everyone - from Starbucks to jewelry stores like Christ and brands like Mango. Tip: Combine your shopping trip with a wellness day at the Titus thermal baths!

My Zeil

The pride of the city is the shopping centre My Zeil with its audacious glass construction, which - thanks to the longest escalator in Europe - you can admire from close up. Shoppers of all ages will find what they are looking for on four levels at My Zeil. Parking is convenient in the basement.