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The Ultimate Event Guide for the FrankfurtRhineMain Metropolitan Region
February 2025
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Top-Tipps: Pool und Schwimmbadbauer in Frankfurt & Rhein-Main

Die Temperaturen steigen und damit auch die Lust, sich im kühlen Nass zu erfrischen. Natürlich gibt es da etliche Freibäder oder Badeseen, die das bieten können. Auch ein Urlaub am Meer ist natürlich ein Traum bei hochsommerlichen Graden. Doch nicht erst seit der Corona-Krise, die den Schwimmbadausflug oder den Sommerurlaub schwierig – oder sogar unmöglich – macht, erfreuen sich kleine wie große Swimmingpools im eigenen Garten stetig steigender Beliebtheit. Ob Fertigbecken oder individuell gestaltetes Schwimmbecken, ob Aufstellbecken oder Tiefbecken – die Möglichkeiten sind mannigfaltig (und natürlich auch eine Frage von verfügbarem Platz und Budget). 

Für alle, die sich ein Stück Urlaub nach Hause holen möchten, stellt sich dann nur noch die Frage: Wo finde ich den passenden Poolbauer? Wir haben Euch mal ein paar Schwimmbadbauer und Pool-Profis aus Frankfurt und dem Rhein-Main-Gebiet herausgesucht, die wir Euch in diesem Special vorstellen möchten.

Rev Wellness
Pool-Profi.eu GmbH
MaxxPools GmbH
Wellness & fun Schwimmbadtechnik
Pools Frankfurt

Rev Wellness

Whether plunge pools, pop-up pools, roofing, sauna, steam bath, whirlpools, experience showers or hammam, whether consultation, planning, delivery, installation, service or maintenance - the Rev Handels GmbH from Langen offers you an all-round carefree package of the highest quality. The implementation is tailored to the wishes and budget of the customer. And also around repairs and maintenance with a continuous, high-quality and comprehensive service is provided.

Pool-Profi.eu GmbH

The TÜV certified swimming pool builders of the company Pool Profi are at your side in the realization of the dream of your own pool, starting with a detailed consultation on site. Especially with prefabricated pools and swimming pools, it does not take long from the first wish to the moment when you can jump into the refreshing water. In addition to prefabricated pools, GRP pools and pool enclosures, the pool professionals also offer all kinds of accessories, pool robots and more.

MaxxPools GmbH

Long-standing experience in the construction of swimming pools, saunas or whirlpools makes MaxxPools GmbH a valued contact when it comes to implementing your own wellness oasis. Whether prefabricated pools from RivieraPool, which can be installed without a long construction period, or individually designed mosaic pools, whether whirlpools or saunas - the swimming pool construction company MaxxPools, based in Niddatal-Kaichen, will help you to realise your ideas professionally. Included in the service are also an individual on-site consultation, planning, delivery and installation, care and maintenance.

Wellness & fun Schwimmbadtechnik

Various outdoor pools in prefabricated construction in different sizes can be manufactured here according to the wishes of the customer. A short construction time, an attractive design and of course individual advice, the team has written on the flag. Suitable accessories as well as help with care and cleaning are also on the programme here. And those who would rather have a whirlpool or their own sauna instead of a swimming pool will also find the right offers here.

Pools Frankfurt

The team of Pools Frankfurt offers the all-round package from pool design to the perfect water technology to professional planning. Individual advice not only before construction, but also for maintenance, 3D visualizations of the desired pool, or even a water analysis are on the extensive service program. Whether natural stone pools or stainless steel pools, whether accessories and installation parts such as spotlights, skimmers, counter-current systems or massage jets - here you will find everything you need for your personal bathing experience.