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The Ultimate Event Guide for the FrankfurtRhineMain Metropolitan Region
February 2025
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Taxiunternehmen in Frankfurt - Top-Tipps

Ihr wollt in Frankfurt mit dem Taxi fahren? Wir haben die passenden Nummern! Sind wir doch mal ehrlich: In Frankfurt mit dem eigenen Auto unterwegs zu sein, kann alleine aufgrund der Parkplatzsuche ganz schön an den Nerven zerren. Abends sollte das Vehikel ohnehin zu Hause stehen bleiben, damit ohne schlechtes Gewissen das eine oder andere Stöffche genossen werden kann. Zum Glück gibt es in Frankfurt zahlreiche Taxiunternehmen, die Euch rund um die Uhr sicher von A nach B bringen. Die Anbieter haben oft auch noch weitere Services an, wie etwa Businessfahrten, Krankentransporte, Flughafentransfer oder auch Kurierfahrten. Oder möchtet Ihr einen Shuttle zum Flughafen buchen? Wir haben für Euch die Top-Anbieter mit Rufnummern parat:

A.M.M. Taxi
Taxi Frankfurt eG
Taxi 68
Taxi Zentrale Main Taxi
Großraumtaxi Frankfurt

A.M.M. Taxi

The "friendly taxi call" for Frankfurt and Offenbach offers not only a comprehensive service for companies, but also for seniors and school children. Patient transports, women's night taxi, pick-up and drop-off service are also part of the offers, which are carried out competently and reliably.

Online ordering possible

Credit cards accepted

Taxi Frankfurt eG

Taxi Frankfurt eG has been operating in Frankfurt and the entire Rhine-Main area for around 100 years. Taxis can be ordered not only by phone, but also online or via app. Online there is also the possibility of calculating the fare.

Payment also possible with all major credit and EC cards

Taxi 68

Taxi 68 offers basic taxi services as well as special limousine and travel services, courier services, large capacity taxis and shuttle services.

A taxi can also be ordered online or via app - for immediate or pre-order.

Taxi Zentrale Main Taxi

The company Main Taxi also offers medical trips. Special service here: Main Taxi Frankfurt takes care of the billing with the health insurance. Also courier trips & pick-up service are in the offer of the taxi headquarters Main Taxi.

Ordering also possible via app

All major credit and EC cards are accepted

Großraumtaxi Frankfurt

Who needs a large-capacity taxi, is here at the right place. In addition to standard trips, the company also offers some additional services such as city tours, pick-up and drop-off service, school children's service, courier trips and errand trips or luggage service. In addition, vehicles including driver can be rented here for almost all occasions.

Online booking possible