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The Ultimate Event Guide for the FrankfurtRhineMain Metropolitan Region
January 2025
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Fahrradläden in Frankfurt & Rhein-Main - Top-Tipps

Auf dem Zweirad durch die Stadt! Das wird gerade in Zeiten, in denen man sich aufgrund des Corona-Virus ungern mit vielen Menschen in Busse und Bahn quetscht, immer beliebter. Zwar gibt es in Frankfurt noch an vielen Stellen Verbesserungsbedarf beim Ausbau zur Fahrradfreundlichen Stadt, der richtige Weg ist mit der farblichen Markierung von Radwegen, neuen Abstellmöglichkeiten an zentralen Plätzen oder auch Reparatur-Stationen durchaus eingeschlagen. Nun ist also genau der richtige Zeitpunkt gekommen, um das eigene Fahrrad mal wieder fit für die Straße zu machen oder sich ein neues Zweirad anzuschaffen. In diesem Special stellen wir Euch ein paar Läden vor, in denen Ihr neue Fahrräder kaufen oder Euern geliebten Drahtesel mal wieder auf Vordermann bringen lassen könnt.

Micro Mobility Systems D GmbH
Kettenesel - bicycle trade & workshop service
Fahrrad Böttgen
Custom Delux
Living Room Workshop
Martins 2radLaden
Montimare Fahrradladen

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Micro Mobility Systems D GmbH

Micro Mobility Systems D GmbH

The children's running bike - fun and mobility for the smallest

Although it has only been on the market for a few years, it has already become one of the most popular means of transport for young children: the running bike. The ideal starting age is two years, because by then most children have developed the strength and motor skills to safely steer and move the wheel. The range of running wheels for this age is varied and extends across different price ranges. To ensure the safety of your child, you should pay attention to the quality of the material and high-quality workmanship when buying. For example, micro running wheels are recommended.

Where can kids practice safely?

To avoid accidents, children should only get on a running bike in traffic-safe places, especially in the beginning. The most suitable places to practice are:

  • Large playgrounds
  • Empty pedestrian areas
  • Play streets
  • Parks
  • Quiet and level field and forest paths
  • Empty parking lots (of closed shops)

It should be borne in mind that young children usually still find it difficult to react to other road users, avoid obstacles and maintain control at higher speeds. Therefore, it is important to pay special attention to the little ones, especially on sloping roads, to prevent falls and injuries.

Advantages and requirements

There are many reasons why the popularity of running wheels has increased so much, especially in recent years. For example, they are an ideal vehicle for toddlers in particular: They train the motor skills and sense of balance, train strength and endurance and at the same time promote the joy of movement. As they also help to expand children's range of motion, they can play an important role in their development. The requirements that should be placed on a running wheel are correspondingly high. Above all, it is important to take into account developmental differences - which are sometimes immense at this age.
The height of the saddle in particular is crucial: a running bike is the right size if the saddle height can be adjusted to the child's stride length. The weight of the bike should also be considered and be appropriate for the child's stature and size.

You can find more information and trivia about choosing the right wheel HERE.

Kettenesel - bicycle trade & workshop service

In Sachsenhausen it is worth a visit to Kettenesel. Here you will find a clear selection of brand bikes for children and adults and lots of accessories, bike parts and accessories. Even if you are not looking for a new bike, but have problems with your own bike, you are in good hands here, because Kettenesel also offers repairs and inspections.

Fahrrad Böttgen

At Fahrrad Böttgen in Bornheim there is a large selection of children's and youth bikes, trekking and city bikes, as well as racing bikes, cross bikes and fitness bikes. Of course, e-bikes are also part of the assortment. In addition to personal advice on the purchase of a new bike, bicycle repairs of all kinds are also offered. However, a prior appointment is required.

Custom Delux

A small but fine selection of new bikes from reputable manufacturers is offered to you along with expert advice and all services at this charming bike shop. A special feature here is that you can also rent bikes here. The team of Custom Delux has high-quality beach cruisers of the brand ELECTRA for rent. And you can also enjoy delicious coffee in the shop - no question: Here, the customer is really in the foreground!

Living Room Workshop

If you're looking for a place to repair your own bike yourself with the help of professional equipment, then you should definitely stop by the Living Room Workshop. Five workshop spaces are available here. The use costs 2,50 <x>amp</x>euro; per started quarter of an hour. In addition to the tools available here, various spare parts can also be purchased in the shop. If you don't have a bike yet, you're also in good hands here, because the living room workshop also offers tip-top reconditioned used bikes at reasonable prices.

Martins 2radLaden

In the shop in the Schwanheim district, not only new, but also used bikes and e-bikes are sold. In addition, all services and conversions for common types of bikes are offered here. You can also buy important spare parts here. And as the icing on the cake, there is of course also professional advice on all matters relating to bicycles.

Montimare Fahrradladen

In the bike shop located between the banks of the Main and the zoo at the beginning of Hanauer Landstraße you will definitely find a suitable model - whether mountain bike or road bike, city bike or touring bike. In addition to the good selection of new bikes, there is also a wide range of accessories to make cycling safer and more enjoyable. The bike shop also has an integrated service workshop where you can have bikes of all brands and ages repaired. A complete inspection of your bike is also possible here (for 59,90 <x>ampersand</x>euro;, for e-bikes for 79,90 <x>ampersand</x>euro;).