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The Ultimate Event Guide for the FrankfurtRhineMain Metropolitan Region
February 2025
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Fastfood in Frankfurt - Top-Tipps

Schnell und gut

Gut Ding will Weile haben?  Nicht unbedingt, denn auch schnell kann extrem gut sein. Das beweisen gerade viele junge Gastronomiebetriebe in Frankfurt, die mit originellen Neuinterpretationen von Fast Food Klassikern frischen Wind in die Szene bringen und so gegen das nicht besonders positive Image von schneller Küche ankochen. Aber auch einige alte Hasen machen schmackhaft deutlich, dass es qualitativ hochwertige Fast-Food-Alternativen zu Burgerketten und Co. gibt. Schnelle Gerichte der besonders leckeren Art gibt es unserer Meinung in diesen Locations:

The Fat Bull
Best Worscht in Town
Fit Kitchen

The Fat Bull

With the ever-growing number of burger restaurants in the city, it's getting harder and harder to stand out from the crowd. But the "Fat Bull" succeeds with its tasty take on the motto, "A burger is more than just ground beef on a bun." Between the homemade bun halves, you'll find 100% pure beef from the region and homemade sauces alongside crisp lettuce. In addition to the main branch, a second branch also opened on Oeder Weg opposite CineStar Metropolis in the summer of 2018. Our tip: The "Fette Bulle" burger with egg, ham and BBQ sauce. Delicious!

Best Worscht in Town

Make me hot, baby! The currywurst of Lars Obendorfer's ever-growing Woscht empire has become a cult beyond the city limits. In addition to the various branches in Frankfurt, the Best Worscht is now also available in Darmstadt, Mainz, Koblenz and even Berlin. But beware: the spiciness levels beyond "Bissi Prickeln" can quickly make you sweat.


An outwardly unassuming location continues to draw crowds to the North End. No frills are offered here, but simple quality that inspires: falaffel with hummus or shawarma sandwiches regularly cause long queues on the square in front of the former kiosk on Oeder Weg. And for those who like it completely meatless, there is a somewhat smaller offshoot with purely vegetarian offerings just a few hundred meters away in the direction of the city center.


The Canadian national dish poutine, served at the location right next to Central Station, loosely translates to "mess." You definitely shouldn't let that scare you away, though. Plating the crispy house fries with various toppings and sauces in front of a wall of moss is an experience not only in terms of taste.

Our tip: The fries with pulled pork and an excellent BBQ sauce.

Fit Kitchen

Fast food and healthy eating don't have to be mutually exclusive. The Fit Kitchen proves that with its reinterpretation of some popular classics. Burger bread and pizza dough are made with low carb flours like chia seed and flaxseed meal, the fries are hot air fried, and even the toppings are made to be low in carbs and fat. One thing they don't skimp on here, though, is taste! The menu also offers vegetarian pizza and vegan wraps.