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The Ultimate Event Guide for the FrankfurtRhineMain Metropolitan Region
February 2025
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Top-Tipps: Brautmode in Frankfurt & Rhein-Main

Eine Hochzeit ist für Viele der schönste Tag im Leben. Und da muss natürlich alles stimmen, um damit die Erinnerungen an dieses wundervolle Erlebnis nicht getrübt werden. „Das war so schön – aber der Kuchen hat leider gar nicht geschmeckt“ oder „Was ein wunderbarer Tag – wenn nur die Suppe warm gewesen wäre“ – so soll es möglichst nicht sein. Ganz besonderen Stellenwert nimmt gerade für die Braut die Wahl des Hochzeitskleides ein. Da muss nun wirklich alles stimmen, denn schließlich wird viel Geld in ein Kleid investiert, das in der Regel nur einmal getragen wird. Und deshalb ist bei der Wahl des richtigen Brautmodeladens nicht nur die dort vorhandene Auswahl enorm wichtig, sondern auch die Beratung vor Ort, der Service und das Ambiente. Die Wahl eines Hochzeitskleides ist nicht nur Kopf-, sondern in erster Linie Bauchsache. Wir haben mal ein paar schöne Locations in Frankfurt und Rhein-Main für Euch herausgesucht, wo Ihr Euch bei der Suche nach dem richtigen Hochzeitskleid in guten Händen wissen könnt:

Heaven Bridal Studio
LILLY wedding dresses
Wedding dress remains wedding dress
SIÖDAM Couture
The Bridal Shop
Bridal Fashion Bella Figura
Hochzeitshaus Frankfurt Rhein-Main

Heaven Bridal Studio

Sometimes it's worth a slightly longer journey to find the perfect dress. A tip outside of Frankfurt is definitely the Heaven bridal studio in Hanau-Steinheim. Here you will find a large selection of elegant and exclusive wedding dresses up to size 56. Wedding dresses for church weddings are available from 699 €, simple wedding dresses for the registry office from 290 € and maternity wedding dresses from 280 €. Simply make an appointment and then be advised by the competent team in detail and friendly.

LILLY wedding dresses

Wedding dresses from LILLY enjoy great popularity. This is mainly due to the fact that a good selection of dresses in modern cut, good quality at a moderate price level are offered here. Whether classic, romantic or modern - at LILLY you will find what you are looking for. In the LILLY store in Frankfurt you will find competent advice and a seamstress to help you find or fit the perfect dress. Besides bridal fashion and accessories you will also find fashion for the groom and the flower children at LILLY.

Wedding dress remains wedding dress

Many beautiful wedding dresses unfortunately become wardrobe corpses after the big day. But many a bride also decides to pass on her dress to make another woman happy with it. Selling over the internet is fast, but trying on, the special moment of choosing and discovering as well as the personal touch are of course lost. This is where the small shop in Frankfurt's old town comes in. Here you will find a selection of over 300 second hand wedding dresses from size 32 to 46, trying to cater to every taste in colour and style. The dresses are priced at a maximum of half the original price. In addition to the high-quality dresses from well-known manufacturers, you will also find lace tops, boleros, corsages, veils, shoes, hair accessories and crinolines in the shop.

Please make an appointment! Due to the size of the store, a maximum of four escorts are allowed at the consultation and dressing appointment.

SIÖDAM Couture

SIÖDAM Couture enchants brides-to-be with fascinating creations from around 50 different bridal designer brands. Advice, which is offered here in different languages such as German, English, Italian, French or Russian, is written in capital letters at SIÖDAM. Therefore, customers also have various consultation options from which they can choose. To find out if the store is right for you, SIÖDAM offers a free trial appointment, where you can try on 2-3 dresses for 45 minutes with a maximum of 3 companions. If you feel that you are in good hands here, you can upgrade accordingly.

The Bridal Shop

The expert team and the special ambience of the bridal shop has not only already convinced many happy women. Even the makers of the VOX series "Zwischen Tüll & Tränen" were so taken with the store in Frankfurt's city center that it has been filmed here several times for the hit format. In the offer are about 350 wedding dresses of different collections of leading European brand manufacturers. Friendly service, competent advice, a fair price-performance ratio and an engaging atmosphere ensure that the wedding dress search here becomes an unforgettable moment.

Bridal Fashion Bella Figura

As a bride-to-be with a dress size over 42, finding a suitable dress is unfortunately a real challenge. Ann-Kristin Amodio also had to experience this during her wedding preparations, which is why she unceremoniously founded Bella Figura after her big day. Here, pregnant women and brides with dress sizes 42-64 are offered a selection of beautiful, unique and fitting wedding dresses. Always true to the motto: Here, the search for your own wedding dress should be a magical experience for every bride.

Attention: Appointments are only available by appointment.

Hochzeitshaus Frankfurt Rhein-Main

The Hochzeitshaus im Palais Kirschwald has been one of the top addresses in Frankfurt Rhein-Main, Wiesbaden and the surrounding area for bridal fashion for over 20 years. In addition to a truly magnificent selection of over 1000 wedding dresses from renowned designers such as Justin Alexander, Sincerity, Sweetheart, Lilian West or Elizabeth Passion, among others, individual advice is also offered here in a feel-good atmosphere. Separate dressing rooms are also available and for all necessary changes to the dress there are master tailors directly in the house.