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The Ultimate Event Guide for the FrankfurtRhineMain Metropolitan Region
February 2025
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Parkhäuser in Frankfurt

In Frankfurt einen Parkplatz zu finden, ist mitunter eine wahre Tortur und reine Glückssache. Gibt es mal eine der seltenen Parklücken, dann gilt hier meist Anwohnerparken. Oder man kurvt verzweifelt herum und muss mit ansehen, wie einem ein gerade freigewordener Platz vor der Nase weggeschnappt wird. Da bleibt nur eins: Ab ins nächste Parkhaus oder auf den nächsten gebührenpflichtigen Parkplatz. Da die Preise mitunter stark variieren oder die Öffnungszeiten nicht immer den nötigen Bedürfnissen entsprechen (plötzlich vor einem verschlossenen Parkhaus zu stehen, ist wahrlich kein Vergnügen), haben wir Euch mal eine Übersicht über Parkmöglichkeiten in Frankfurt mit den entsprechenden Informationen zusammengestellt.

P+R-Haus Borsigallee
Parking at Brentanobad
Friedrichsheim car park
Northwest Center Parking Garage
Parking garage at Höchst hospital
Parkhaus Höchst
Tiefgarage Grünhof
Parkhaus Untermainanlage
Underground car park Ordnungsamt
Parkhaus City-Ost (am Zoo)
Parking garage Mousonturm
Parkhaus Bürgerhaus Bornheim
Car Park WestendGate
Parkhaus Palmengarten
Tiefgarage Ladengalerie Bockenheimer Warte
Congresscenter Messe Frankfurt (Maritim Hotel)
Parking garage Skyline Plaza
Car Park Messeturm
Underground car park Mainzer Landstraße
Parking garage Hotel Intercontinental
Parking garage Moselstraße
Parkhaus Am Hauptbahnhof
Underground parking Villa Kennedy
Parking lot + parking garage university hospital
Parking garage Alt-Sachsenhausen
Westend underground car park
Trianon underground car park
Parkhaus Konrad-Adenauer-Straße
Parking garage at the court
Parking garage Hilton
Tower Center Parking Garage
Underground car park Opernturm
Parkhaus Karstadt Zeil
Parking garage Konstabler Wache
Underground car park Dom/Römer
Underground car park MyZeil
Parking garage Hauptwache
Baseler Platz underground car park
Underground car park Hauptbahnhof Süd
Tiefgarage Am Theater
Car park Schiller-Passage
Underground car park Junghofstraße
Underground car park Goetheplatz
Parking Garage Exchange
Car Park Alte Oper

P+R-Haus Borsigallee

899 seats

Fees: Day pass 1.50 <x>amp</x>euro;, weekly pass 5 <x>amp</x>euro;, monthly pass 15 <x>amp</x>euro;, annual pass currently unavailable

Opening Hours: Open throughout

Info: Parking only possible in conjunction with a valid RMV ticket

Parking at Brentanobad

344 seats

Fees: 2 <x>ampersand</x>euros; per day (payable on entry)

Opening hours: 6am - 1am, exit anytime

Friedrichsheim car park

227 seats

Fees: 1 <x>amp</x>euro; per hour or part thereof
maximum daily rate: 7.50 <x>ampersand</x>euro;
maximum night rate (7pm - 7am): 4 <x>ampersand</x>euro;

Opening hours: Open throughout

Northwest Center Parking Garage

3085 seats

Fees: 0.50 <x>amp</x>euros; per half hour or part thereof<x><BR</x> maximum nighttime rate (7pm - 7am) 4 <x>amp</x>euros;

Opening Hours: Open throughout

Parking garage at Höchst hospital

472 seats

Fees: 1 <x>amp</x>euro; per hour or part thereof<x><BR</x> maximum night rate (7pm - 7am) 4<x>amp</x>euro;<x><BR</x>Hospital patients pay 1st week. Week 30<x>ampersand</x>euro;, each additional week 20<x>ampersand</x>euro;

Opening Hours: Open throughout

Parkhaus Höchst

344 spaces

Entrance for short-stay parkers via Königsteiner Straße only.

Fees: 0,50 <x>ampersand</x>euro; per hour or part thereof
maximum night tariff (7pm - 7am) 4<x>ampersand</x>euro;

Opening hours: Open throughout

Tiefgarage Grünhof

338 seats

1 <x>amp</x>euro; per hour or part thereof
daily maximum 20 <x>amp</x>euro;

Opening Hours: Mon - Sat 7am - 0:30am, Sun closed

Parkhaus Untermainanlage

142 spaces

The entrance is located on Wilhelm-Leuschner-Straße next to house no. 5.

Monday - Sat 2 &euro; per hour or part thereof
Sun / Holiday 1 &euro; per hour or part thereof
maximum night tariff (5pm - 7am): 6 <x>ampersand</x>euro;

Opening hours: 6 am - midnight, exit possible at any time

Underground car park Ordnungsamt

143 spaces

The entrance is located on Krifteler Straße.

1 &euro; per hour or part thereof
maximum night tariff (7pm - 7am) 4&euro;

Opening hours: Open continuously

Parkhaus City-Ost (am Zoo)

523 spaces

1.40 <x>ampersand</x>euros; per 50 minutes or part thereof
daily maximum: 13 <x>ampersand</x>euros;
maximum nightly rate (7pm - 7am): 4 <x>ampersand</x>euro;

Opening hours: 6am - 1am

Parking garage Mousonturm

252 seats

1 <x>amp</x>euro; per hour or part thereof
maximum nighttime rate (7pm - 7am) 4<x>amp</x>euro;

Opening Hours: Open throughout

Special feature: Cashless payment

Parkhaus Bürgerhaus Bornheim

179 seats

Fees: 1 <x>amp</x>euro; per hour or part thereof

Opening hours: Continuous

Special feature: cashless payment

Car Park WestendGate

610 seats

3.90 <x>amp</x>euro; per hour or part thereof
Daily maximum 39 <x>amp</x>euro; (after 6 hours)

Opening hours: Open throughout

Special feature: cashless payment

Parkhaus Palmengarten

259 spaces

1 <x>amp</x>euro; per hour or part thereof
maximum night tariff (7pm - 7am) 4<x>amp</x>euro;

Opening hours: 7am - 11pm, exit anytime

Special feature: cashless payment

Tiefgarage Ladengalerie Bockenheimer Warte

321 spaces

1.80 <x>amp</x>euro; per hour or part thereof
daily maximum 18 <x>amp</x>euro;

Opening hours:
Mo - Sat 7am - 11pm
Sun 9am - 8pm

Congresscenter Messe Frankfurt (Maritim Hotel)

466 seats

3.70 <x>amp</x>euro; per hour or part thereof
Daily maximum (after 6 hours): 37 <x>amp</x>euro;

Opening hours: Open throughout

Parking garage Skyline Plaza

2400 seats

Second access via Brussels Road

1. Hour free, 2 hours: 1.50 <x>ampersand</x>euro;, 3 hours: 3.50 <x>ampersand</x>euro;, 4 hours: 6 &euro;, thereafter 3 &euro; per hour or part thereof
Daily maximum: 27 &euro;

Opening hours: Open continuously

Car Park Messeturm

889 seats

3.70 <x>amp</x>euro; per hour or part thereof
daily maximum 37 <x>amp</x>euro;

Opening hours: Open throughout

Special feature: electric charging station

Underground car park Mainzer Landstraße

460 spaces

1.50 <x>amp</x>euro; per hour or part thereof
daily maximum 15 <x>amp</x>euro;

Opening hours: Open throughout

Parking garage Hotel Intercontinental

140 spaces

Fees: <x><BR</x>3.90 <x>amp</x>euro; per hour or part thereof<x><BR</x>Daily maximum 39 <x>amp</x>euro; (after 6 hours)

Opening Hours: Open throughout

Specials: Electric charging station

Parking garage Moselstraße

280 seats

2.90 <x>amp</x>euro; per hour or part thereof
Daily maximum: 27 <x>amp</x>euro;

Opening hours:
Mo - Fri 6am - 10pm
Sat 6am - 5pm
Sun closed

Parkhaus Am Hauptbahnhof

349 spaces

The entrance to the car park is on Stuttgarter Straße opposite number 35.

3,50 <x>ampersand</x>euro; per hour or part thereof
maximum daily rate: 35 <x>ampersand</x>euro;

Opening hours: Open throughout

Specials: Electric charging station, cashless payment

Underground parking Villa Kennedy

126 seats

3.90 <x>amp</x>euro; per hour or part thereof
daily maximum 39 <x>amp</x>euro;

Opening Hours: Open throughout

Parking lot + parking garage university hospital

2000 spaces (parking garage + parking lot)

1.80 <x>amp</x>euro; per hour or part thereof
daily maximum 20 <x>amp</x>euro;

Opening hours: Open throughout

Parking garage Alt-Sachsenhausen

408 spaces

Fees: <x><BR</x>1.00 <x>amp</x>euro; per hour or part thereof<x><BR</x> maximum nighttime rate (7 p.m.-7 a.m.) 4 <x>amp</x>euro;

Opening Hours: Open throughout

Special feature: electric charging station

Westend underground car park

614 spaces

1.50 <x>amp</x>euro; per hour or part thereof
maximum nighttime rate (7pm - 7am) 3 <x>amp</x>euro;

Opening Hours: Open throughout

Trianon underground car park

280 seats

2.50 <x>amp</x>euro; per hour or part thereof
evening rate (18 - 01:30): 5,00 &euro;
Daily maximum: 35 &euro;

Opening hours: Mon - Sat 6am - 01:30am

Special feature: electric charging station

Parkhaus Konrad-Adenauer-Straße

609 seats

Inlet: Vilbeler Straße

Monday - Sat 2.00 &euro; per hour or part thereof
Sun / Holidays 1.00 &euro; per hour or part thereof
maximum night tariff (7pm - 7am) 4 <x>ampersand</x>euro;

Opening hours: Open throughout

Parking garage at the court

680 spaces

Mo - Sat 2.00 <x>amp</x>euro; per hour or part thereof
Sun / Holidays 1.00 <x>amp</x>euro; per hour or part thereof
maximum night tariff (7pm - 7am) 4 <x>ampersand</x>euro;

Opening hours: tgl. 6 - 24 hrs (exit possible at any time)

Parking garage Hilton

85 spaces

Fees: 3 <x>ampersand</x>euros; per hour or part thereof
maximum daily rate 27 <x>ampersand</x>euros;

Opening hours: Open continuously

Info: cars are parked by staff, customers do not have access to the garage.

Tower Center Parking Garage

310 seats

2.50 <x>amp</x>euros; per hour or part thereof
Nighttime rate (7pm - 7am): 1 <x>amp</x>euro; per hour or part thereof

Opening hours: Open throughout

Underground car park Opernturm

580 seats

2.70 <x>amp</x>euros; per 50 minutes or part thereof
maximum daily rate 27 <x>amp</x>euros./x>euro;
maximum night charge (7pm - 6am) 6 <x>ampersand</x>euro;

Opening hours: Open throughout

Special feature: electric charging station

Parkhaus Karstadt Zeil

693 seats

1. Hour 2 <x>ampersand</x>euros;
2 hours 4 <x>ampersand</x>euros;
thereafter each additional hour 2.50 <.x>Ampersand</x>euro;
Daily maximum 20 &euro;

Opening hours: Mon - Sat 06:30 - 20, Sun + holiday closed
On days with extended opening hours (like Christmas) the car park is open from 06:15 - 21:30.

Parking garage Konstabler Wache

809 spaces

Mo - Sat 2.00 <x>amp</x>euro; per hour or part thereof
Sun / Holidays 1.00 <x>amp</x>euro; per hour or part thereof
maximum night tariff (7pm - 7am) 4 <x>ampersand</x>euro;

Opening hours: Open throughout

Underground car park Dom/Römer

480 spaces

Fees: Mon - Sat 2.00 <x>amp</x>euro; per hour or part thereof
Sun / Holidays 1.00 <x>amp</x>euro; per hour or part thereof
maximum night tariff (7pm - 7am) 4 <x>ampersand</x>euro;

Opening hours: 6am - midnight (exit anytime, night access)

Special feature: electric charging station

Underground car park MyZeil

1390 seats

2.00 <x>ampersand</x>euros; per each 30 minutes or part thereof
maximum daily fee 32 <x>ampersand</x>euros;

Opening Hours: Open throughout

Special feature: electric charging station

Parking garage Hauptwache

424 seats

Monday - Sat 2.50 <x>amp</x>euro; per hour or part thereof
Sun/Holidays 0.50 <x>amp</x>euro; per half hour or part thereof
maximum night tariff (7pm - 7am) 4 <x>ampersand</x>euro;

Opening hours: Open throughout

Baseler Platz underground car park

387 seats

Mo - Sat 2.00 <x>amp</x>euro; per hour or part thereof
Sun / holidays 1.00 <x>amp</x>euro; per hour or part thereof
maximum night tariff (7pm - 7am) 4 <x>ampersand</x>euro;

Opening Hours:
Mo - Sat 06:15 - 21 h
Sun + holiday closed
(night access, exit possible at any time)

Underground car park Hauptbahnhof Süd

358 seats

Entrance: Mannheimer Straße.

Monday - Sat 2.00 &euro; per hour or part thereof
Sun / Holidays 1.00 &euro; per hour or part thereof
maximum night tariff (7pm - 7am) 4 <x>ampersand</x>euro;

Opening hours: tgl. 6 - 24 hrs (exit possible at any time, night access)

Tiefgarage Am Theater

371 seats

Enter: Lower Main.

Mo - Sat 2.00 &euro; per hour or part thereof
Sun / Holidays 1.00 &euro; per hour or part thereof
maximum night tariff (5pm - 7am) 6 <x>ampersand</x>euro;

Opening Hours:
Mo - Thu 6am - midnight
Fri / Sat 6am - 2am
Sun / Bank Holiday 6am - midnight

Car park Schiller-Passage

381 spaces

Mo - Sat 2.50 <x>amp</x>euro; per hour or part thereof
Sun / Holidays 0.50 <x>amp</x>euro; per half hour or part thereof
maximum night tariff (7pm - 7am) 4 <x>ampersand</x>euro;

Opening hours: Open throughout

Special: cinema tariff for visitors of the CineStar Metropolis

Underground car park Junghofstraße

315 spaces

Mo - Sat 2.50 <x>amp</x>euro; per hour or part thereof
Sun / Holidays 0.50 <x>amp</x>euro; per half hour or part thereof
maximum night tariff (7pm - 7am) 4 <x>ampersand</x>euro;

Opening hours: Open throughout

Underground car park Goetheplatz

591 spaces

Entrance: Junghofstraße.

Mo - Sat 2.50 <x>amp</x>euro; per hour or part thereof
Sun / Holidays 0.50 <x>amp</x>euro; per half hour or part thereof
maximum night tariff (7pm - 7am) 4 <x>ampersand</x>euro;

Opening hours: Open throughout

Special feature: electric charging station

Parking Garage Exchange

891 spaces

Mo - Sat 2.50 <x>amp</x>euro; per hour or part thereof
Sun / Holidays 0.50 <x>amp</x>euro; per half hour or part thereof
maximum night tariff (7pm - 7am) 4 <x>ampersand</x>euro;

Opening hours: Open throughout

Special feature: electric charging station, cinema rate for visitors of the CineStar Metropolis

Car Park Alte Oper

402 spaces

Mo - Sat 2.50 <x>amp</x>euro; per hour or part thereof
Sun / Holidays 0.50 <x>amp</x>euro; per half hour or part thereof
maximum night tariff (5pm - 7am) 6 <x>ampersand</x>euro;

Opening hours: Continuous
Note: Barrier-free access/exit is only available during Old Opera House events.