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The Ultimate Event Guide for the FrankfurtRhineMain Metropolitan Region
February 2025
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Die schönsten Dachterrassen in Frankfurt - Top-Tipps

Nach einem harten Arbeitstag gibt es doch nichts Schöneres, als mit lieben Menschen einen schmackhaften Sundowner zu genießen oder sich ein entspanntes Dinner zu gönnen. Oder? Doch, es gibt tatsächlich etwas, was noch schöner ist: Wenn man zum Drink oder zum Essen auch noch einen spektakulären Blick auf die Stadt genießen kann. Gerade in den warmen Frühlings- und Sommermonaten laden einige Dachterrassen und Rooftop-Locations dazu ein, Frankfurt von oben zu genießen. Wir haben in diesem Special mal einige besonders schöne Dachterrassen zusammengestellt.

Bitte beachtet, dass bei vielen Locations auch in diesem Jahr besondere Regelungen für einen Besuch gelten. Diese können sich je nach Infektionsgeschehen auch sehr kurzfristig ändern. Informiert Euch also vor einem geplanten Besuch einer der schönen Rooftop-Locations rechtzeitig, was es zu beachten gilt!

On Top Rooftop Skybar
DINEA at Galeria Kaufhof
Skyline Garden at Skyline Plaza
CityBeach and CityAlm
Long Island Summer Lounge

On Top Rooftop Skybar

On the rooftop terrace of the On Top Hotel Frankfurt in Sachsenhausen, a beach area with loungers, delicious drinks and a great view of the skyline await you. The bar has 100 seats indoors, as well as 70 seats on the rooftop terrace.

DINEA at Galeria Kaufhof

If you want to relax after shopping with a great view of the skyline, stop by Leonard's DINEA. From breakfast to lunch to after-work dinner, you'll find a wide range of choices here. The outdoor terrace also offers a great view of the Zeil and the skyline - a popular photo motif. From time to time, after-work events and special rooftop parties are also offered here.

Skyline Garden at Skyline Plaza

Evenings, the view here is truly spectacular. Whether you sit on the spacious terrace of the ALEX or look for a spot in the Skyline Garden, the roof terrace of the Skyline Plaza is not for nothing a popular meeting place of Frankfurt residents, trade fair visitors and tourists. The terrace of the ALEX is very generously laid out, so that you can actually always find a place here. And from the observation deck you have a great view of the city!


Since 2019, FOODTOPIA has been attracting visitors to the 4th floor of MyZeil. And with it, the spacious roof terrace. Skyline view on a somewhat smaller scale also offer the ALEX and Big Chefs. And also in the bar of the ASTOR Film Lounge can enjoy the great view over the rooftops of the city.

CityBeach and CityAlm

In summer beach bar, in winter big city Alm - the roof of the parking garage Konstablerwache invites both at warm temperatures, as well as in the colder months to get together with skyline view. The CityBeach usually opens in April/May, the CityAlm in November. But whether on the deck chair by the pool or in the cozy alpine hut, here you spend a great evening in any case.

Long Island Summer Lounge

The parking garage at the stock exchange turns into a beautiful sun deck in the summer. Here you can enjoy cool drinks, relaxed beats, delicious snacks and of course a great view of the skyline in a summery ambience. The Long Island Summer Lounge is open daily during the season, admission costs €5.